Recent comments in /f/Tech

Rambler wrote (edited )

Looks cool, I'll check it out.

I may be one of the few who isn't super giddy about decentralized P2P networks though. They certainly have their benefits, but I also like the idea that things I say/post can also be deleted and not around for as long as other people/servers/nodes/whatever have it.

Maybe I'm just unfamiliar how networks like these work and centralized networks certainly have many flaws as well, but at least I could, if I wanted, axe this server and my data and everyone else's would die with it minus any sort of 3rd party archiving done by individuals (Ex: / waybackmachine, etc)

EDIT: Ah, requires you to run an app or program to access it. Not a normal website, similar to Aether. I'll hold off for now, but welcome newcomers to the market and anything that weens people off of traditional social media like Facebook/Twitter.


smartypants OP wrote

Probably, but maybe it will just limit it to a few minutes per web site.

Also too many new "free web games" that mine Monero while you play the free game. Monero sent to the Russian hackers of course, not to the app game players.


div1337 wrote


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

Well, there's [RAMBLE], which, as far as I know, doesn't ban you for using these words, but also (.se clear net mirror, .cc clear net mirror, Tor v3 mirror, Tor2web mirror - warning: clear net mirrors use Clownflare, which is a privacy issue (clear net only)), Nanochan (Tor v3 only), (.org clear net mirror, .co clear net mirror, Tor v3 mirror), zzzchan (Tor v3 mirror - warning: clear net mirror uses Clownflare), and maybe some others.

Note that some boards might add rules preventing you from using "racist" words, but I checked, Nanochan/g/,, zzzchan/x/, and it looks like there are no additional rules that ban those types of words.


spc50 wrote

... I thought we had laws over US companies on being pawned like this.

They are supposed to notify people.

Hate to tell my liberal idealistic friends conducting such hate campaigns, but this ceaseless pursuit of politically in opposite to you doesn't end well. Two party system is an illusion. Theater. Two wings of the same lying bird.

You just are going to cause utter dis-abandonment of sites, web, etc. All of them.

I couldn't care any less because I view liberal pursuits as what already wrecked the technology almost 20 years ago. Not a silly-con valley firm at mass scale who isn't wonky liberal. Go abroad it they are headed up by control freaks with clearer stripes.

Only going to defund yourselves and send everyone into hidden and much more fortified private spaces. Your endless data collection and intelligence will die swiftly.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

If this won't make Gab users leave this platform, I don't know what will. I mean, they have already gave their data to Goolag reCRAPTCHA, and of course, the developers won't bother with fixes (clear net only). It looks like Goolag reCRAPTCHA isn't there, but I might be wrong. Gab is also Clownflared, which is a privacy issue (clear net only), so even if the privacy policy (clear net only) said anything about storing user data, Clownflare will store it anyway.