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Rambler wrote (edited )

Looks cool, I'll check it out.

I may be one of the few who isn't super giddy about decentralized P2P networks though. They certainly have their benefits, but I also like the idea that things I say/post can also be deleted and not around for as long as other people/servers/nodes/whatever have it.

Maybe I'm just unfamiliar how networks like these work and centralized networks certainly have many flaws as well, but at least I could, if I wanted, axe this server and my data and everyone else's would die with it minus any sort of 3rd party archiving done by individuals (Ex: / waybackmachine, etc)

EDIT: Ah, requires you to run an app or program to access it. Not a normal website, similar to Aether. I'll hold off for now, but welcome newcomers to the market and anything that weens people off of traditional social media like Facebook/Twitter.