Recent comments in /f/I2P

RAMBLE1 wrote (edited )

cleaner directory, that is sortable by category of eepsite?

What directory are you talking about ?

You can customize your home page from here :

Other than that I dont see what you're talking about.

Or maybe you mean something like notbob or identiguy that we could filter through categories ?

Me I'd like to see a website like these above that would display the description of the eepsites. I think that would be useful.


XANA OP wrote

Reply to comment by Wahaha in by XANA

You can ask question without worry about being marked as duplicate :D


Rambler wrote

Reply to by XANA

I think I signed up last week. I'll check it out regularly.


Wahaha wrote

Reply to by XANA

Is this only for questions about I2P and do you mean like StackOverflow in the sense of having a bunch of assholes around closing your question as a duplicate of a ten year old question that never got answered?


Rambler wrote

Looks like I missed you in #ramble. I don't lurk it often, and haven't been at my desk much lately. I usually just idle in it 24/7.

#saltr is where it's at though. It gets active. It's I2P+ chat 'technically' but we all shoot the shit in there and talk about everything.


z3d wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by Rambler in I2P+ VPS bandwidth usage by Rambler

Just a small clarification: I2P+ doesn't require more bandwidth than stock I2P, though if you allocate I2P+ bandwidth, it will make more efficient use of it. That's particularly apparent on high bandwidth, high performance routers where I2P+ will quite happily push 8MB/s in both directions while hosting 14K participating tunnels.


Rambler wrote (edited )

Hell yeah. I'm always in IRC2P (#saltr) so I'll join right now. :)

edit: Can't connect to irc.coldhell.i2p:6667 after adding it to my addressbook. Will try the webchat for now. Probably an issue on my end or with my IRC client.


Rambler OP wrote

Reply to comment by asF in I2P+ VPS bandwidth usage by Rambler

Would depend on your settings, really. I do 100% BW share and have optimized the settings (mainly just router.config, but wrapper.config as well for increase memory usage to serve more traffic).

Since I have a data cap at home with slow rural wireless, I'd have to do very limited sharing to make sure I don't hit any limits.