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Rambler wrote (edited )

Maybe a cleaner directory, that is sortable by category of eepsite?

Edit: Blog / Personal, Torrent / Files, Adult / NSFW, Forum / Chan, News, etc.


RAMBLE1 wrote (edited )

cleaner directory, that is sortable by category of eepsite?

What directory are you talking about ?

You can customize your home page from here :

Other than that I dont see what you're talking about.

Or maybe you mean something like notbob or identiguy that we could filter through categories ?

Me I'd like to see a website like these above that would display the description of the eepsites. I think that would be useful.


meathandler wrote (edited )

Something that would make me hop onto i2p every day

  • news aggregator
  • a weather site with forecasts etc.
  • something similar to (there's eanlib i guess, but it's still nowwhere near that)
  • online cookbook (maybe a mirror of etc.

Just some ordinary sites, but with no ads, granted anonymity and a nice web 2.0 design that is prevalent around here, i would choose it over the clearnet alternatives in a heartbeat

Also thanks to whoever made query.i2p, if that didn't happen it would also end up on this list


rianav_a wrote

a weather site would be too much like a honeypot for my taste (pun intended).


meathandler wrote

Hm, I guess?

I2P rotates your identities all the time so I wouldn't worry that much about it.


abralelie wrote

Federated apps:

  • Funkwhale
  • Mastodon
  • Peertube
  • Reel2bit

If I could watch stuff, listen to music and podcasts + read news on I2P, the clearnet would become much less interesting to me.