Posted by Rambler in Privacy (edited )

Because, why not?

Invidious is an opensource front-end for YouTube ( ). Here is just some of the nifty features:

  • Copylefted libre software (AGPLv3+ licensed)

  • Lightweight (the homepage is ~4 KB compressed)

  • No ads

  • No tracking

  • Javascript is 100% optional

  • Tools for managing subscriptions:

    • Only show unseen videos
    • Only show latest (or latest unseen) video from each channel
    • Delivers notifications from all subscribed channels
    • Automatically redirect homepage to feed
    • Import subscriptions from YouTube
  • Audio-only mode (and no need to keep window open on mobile)

  • Dark mode

  • Embed support

  • Set default player options (speed, quality, autoplay, loop)

  • Support for Reddit comments in place of YouTube comments

  • Import/Export subscriptions, watch history, preferences

  • Developer API

  • Does not use any of the official YouTube APIs

  • No need to create a Google account to save subscriptions

  • No Code of Conduct

  • No Contributor license Agreement

  • Available in many languages, thanks to Weblate

You can access the service from the following clearnet and anonymity network URLs:


Best performance is over the clearnet, obviously. Tor performance is fine, and I2P performance is acceptable. Over the I2P network you will likely need to pause and let the video buffer and watch in low quality, but that's the price you pay for anonymity sometimes.

The server is hosted in Luxembourg and has no limit on bandwidth so stream or download away. It's a resource that I want people to use, so don't be shy about using it.




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alltimelow wrote

This is cool, there's still some bugs with it, but I'd love to see this get more attention, I've never seen anything like it before!!


spc50 wrote (edited )

Thank you Rambler!

May I recommend this:

Privacy Redirect catches common spy platforms and bounces you to privacy respecting alt wrappers.. This includes Invidious instances for avoiding YouTube (which you can manually plug this new one into).

Same plugin exists for Chrome (die Google!).


not_bob wrote

Why is the hostname not registered? Or, if it is, where?


Rambler OP wrote

For tube.i2p?

I did at stats.i2p and reg.i2p and.. something else, I think. It's in the skank.i2p subscription list as well. I'll add it to your tracker site once I get back on I2P later, I couldn't access it the other day for whatever reason.


Wingless wrote

SPECTACULAR! Runs great over Tor, do NOT have to enable the script, CAN watch "Little Fighter" without a VPN, and CAN save .mp4.

This is computing the way it should be. Whoever built it is a hero. We will see them dragging the cross down the main street in a couple of weeks that they'll be nailed to, so LET NOT THEIR SACRIFICE BE IN VAIN GO THERE RIGHT NOW! You can whistle the music you watch now, the day we finally get tired of all this shit and let the world burn.


smartypants wrote (edited )


Nearly all of these download reuploaders may work still in 2021, and some work with age restricted videos too, but most are not for anonymous vpn or tor probably:

  • (DOWN for now in march 2021)


AWiggerInTime wrote

It's always nice to see another invidious instance.

Though you might wanna proxy all videos through the server for I2P connections, since without it we're relying on outproxies.

Yes, I know there's a script for that, but imo it should be the default.

Rambler OP wrote

Nevermind, I figured it out. It'll proxy videos through the server for all users now by default. I2P, TOR, Yggdrasil, clearnet... Doesn't matter.


whitestar wrote

Invidious gets rid of Youtube tracking but it can´t do anything against Youtube censorship, it is best to use PeerTube, Odysee or Gab TV instead.


DcscZx5idox wrote (edited )

Invidious is not good. Many sites that video sharing including Youtube are very bad.


Rambler OP wrote (edited )

It's just a simple, lightweight and more privacy focused way to access pre-existing YouTube videos.

Unfortunately YouTube is still where the wealth of content exist. I still look at alternatives such as BitChute, Odysee,, etc however none of them have the 'normal, every day content' that I'm seeking. It's like 80% political / news, with the rest gaming or tech / crypto talk that I don't care about. Hard to find good content on them for things like music, weird hobby stuff, or just general DIY projects. I recently had to do a bit of work on my car. I found only one video on YouTube to show me what all I needed to do to complete the task at hand. Only one, and it wasn't even for the model I had but a similar one that was 'close enough'. The other sites just don't have that content unfortunately.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to ditch YouTube and not look back. But unlike Google search, for Youtube, there is just no great alternative. There are some good ones, but they're not great, and they're only good for a very particular type of content right now. At least with virtually all other Google products they're easily replaceable. OpenStreetMaps, any other email provider, DuckDuckgo or other search engines, I dont' need cloud storage so Drive doesn't matter to me, etc. But YouTube... Just can't be replaced yet.

Example: Let's find videos on how to frame a wall when building a house.

Bitchute: Nothing

Odysee (Lbry): Nothing

Gab TV: Blocks VPNs, so fuck them.

YouTube/Invidiouos instances: TON OF RESULTS

Case in point: The alternatives just don't have the content to be considered real alternatives. Yeah, they may not ban you from the platform like YouTube will for certain things, but "normal content" that isn't political, news, gaming, crypto, commentary, etc just doesn't exist on them.