Recent comments in /f/News

BasedPatriot wrote

The guy is fucked. I don't think he "murdered" him but he'll do time. Minneapolis will burn anyways because the mob will want him put away for life and he'll get probably get up to 10 years on some lesser charge. Floyd was a big piece of shit but in the ideal world he would have been arrested properly and then he could have gone to court to be sentenced for yet another crime.


Rambler OP wrote (edited )

I agree that he will likely get a lesser charge.

I just fear that no matter the outcome it will reignite additional protests and more violence from those that will ignore the evidence of why Chauvin wasn't found guilty of murder and how actions Floyd took also contributed to his own death.

I'm sure jurors will hear the 911 call where the cashier called the cops about the counterfeit money and how he believed Floyd was intoxicated. I'm sure they'll see the toxicology reports.

The only thing the MSM has shown the public is the photos or short videos of Chauvin with his knee on Floyd's neck. But not the video of Floyd freaking out when being arrested and requesting to lay down on the pavement.

Someone as high as he was should never be placed face down on the ground. People should be put into the recovery position on their sides, and I think more places are taking that into consideration now.

BUT, that doesn't mean what Chauvin did was against policy... though a knee to the back between shoulder blades would have likely caused the same outcome for Floyd. "Sudden In Custody Death Syndrome" is a real thing and some LEO do rapid assessments on suspects to gauge the level of risk they are. Factors such as age, weight, gender, drug use or intoxication, if force was used or not, etc all contribute to a point scale where the risk of death from being taken into custody becomes a greater concern. Same training will show that a restrained suspect on the ground should be in a recovery position on their side. If you take a 300lb man fucked up on pills, who resisted arrest and failed to comply, and you lay that man face down on the ground his risk of just dying while just laying there is much higher than a fit man, who complied, and is calm. That is the purpose of the whole point system scale to determine risk of death in custody.

Also, if Chauvin goes to prison he should be in Protective Custody. He'd be the target of every black prison gang, either new recruit initiation or just killed just because he's high profile ex law enforcement. Where I am, any ex law enforcement goes to PC, same with child molestors. They're the first targets in gang initiations inside prison and if put in general population are considered good targets for gang probates to prove they're willing to draw blood for their gang by attacking someone that no other gang gives a shit about.


riddler wrote

I think they'll have to convict him on a lesser charge or declare a mistrial. He was doing exactly as he was trained. If anyone is responsible for Floyd's death (other than himself) it should be the mayor and police chief who instituted and approved of the neck kneeling. It's worth noting that both of them threw Chauvin under the bus within hours after basically no investigations.

If Chauvin gets more than 12.5 years, then we know there is no justice. Mohamed Noor shot and killed Justine Damond and only got 12.5 years. Noor was violating every possible procedure in his shooting and Damond and he was convicted less than a year before the whole Floyd thing happened. Also, she wasn't a multiple time convicted criminal like Floyd, she wasn't caught committing a crime like Floyd, she was much smaller than the officers unlike Floyd, and she wasn't in a state of cognitive impairment unlike Floyd. Considering they both happened in Minneapolis, Chauvin's actions are way less actionable than Noor's. If we believe Chauvin was 100% responsible for Floyd's death, which he's not, he should still only get three or so years when compared with the sentence given to Noor.


riddler wrote (edited )

I have a friend who works for the oil industry in Mexico. He's been telling me some pretty shocking things lately. The company he works for pays way above average wages for the area and no ones applying for jobs anymore. In the closest major city, people with good stable jobs (by Mexican standards) are walking off or taking vacation to attempt to cross the border.

Apparently it was slowed down by that wave of cold weather earlier in the month. It now accelerated to unseen levels. The locals all believe if they cross illegally soon they can get amnesty. There is no way to prove when someone crossed if they did it illegally. Also, the cartels are making huge profits off the situation.


dontvisitmyintentions wrote

This was news well over a century ago when the 10th Amendment became the gateway for obliterating intrastate activities, instead of keeping to interstate commerce. It keeps making news, and nothing ever happens.


riddler wrote

He didn't defend the peaceful protesters that appeared on his behalf and at his request on January 6. He is now also pushing a dangerous "vaccine" for a common cold which is already obsolete. Despite voting for him in 2016 and 2020, I can't see myself ever supporting him again.


Wingless wrote

It makes perfect sense. Health industry lobbyists run the government, and they are desperately afraid of two equal and opposite things:

a) The hospitals fill over capacity, and they have to turn away paying customers b) The hospitals aren't full, and they lack paying customers.

Having coronavirus knocking around at a level of 20% to 100% for a full year - I mean, it's like keeping the feedback on a microphone near a speaker making loud weird noises without dying out or blowing the speaker for an entire night. It takes planning. A hooker with that kind of talent would be worth a fortune.


smartypants OP wrote (edited )

Google is detecting unusual activity

ah, thanks, interesting.

Google ignores10% to 15% of fresh commercial VPN exit IP points, but its annoying, because of the goddamn captcha crap you allude to. I assume they laboriously map out tor to further magnitude, because tor does not dice roll and segment and fracture, something I myself used to do to prevent any party from mapping all possible nodes, or all possible DRM locks tied to hash of originating IP.


Wingless wrote

I've been using this blog as a chance to test Tor in the real world, and these links are an example of what DOES NOT WORK. You'll get shafted to a "security check" for any of those, and of course, there is only one way to "check" and only one company that does it, the company that claims ultimate right to track EVERYTHING you do on the web, and even if you were to go through their moronic exercise in misdirection pretending you're proving you're a human as they try to fingerprint your computer, the outcome would probably only be the usual error message that "Google is detecting unusual activity from this address" and that will be all. is not a copyright holder. The whole basis of their claim to hold web sites is that they're "archiving" them. So can somebody inside this tiny remnant real internet have a way to archive-the-archive and make it so people can read the page without kowtowing to the Top Horn of the Beast?


spc50 wrote

There is a name for this movement - which I do not know. It is not just in Denmark.

It is a global thing at this time.

I found the article funny. That men have been turned into accessories, sperm donors and perma paycheck since they got laid once and bore child.

That description applies to the United States experience since at least the 1960's. 50-60 years into this horrible insanity in the US.


Wahaha wrote

Reply to by alltimelow

How much are you willing to bet me that this isn't going to happen?


Rambler wrote (edited )

Reply to by alltimelow

Loopholes like this don't really exist. No, "Woops, you're right. Looks like they forgot to cross their T's and dot their I's... right this way Sir... I mean, Mr. President."

Biden will get 25th'ed, we'll have Kamala until 2024, then we'll see. That's my take.


spc50 wrote


This dude rocks!

It is all about perceived socioeconomic status. But it is as-is about simpletons on about race. Ya'all discriminate, so let's cheat and discriminate to make it fair to those people 'victimized' by such prior.

No. Let's not.

Don't people that get this sh!t and have been hired under flawed affirmative action ever take a sane look in the mirror? Don't they ever realize likely unqualified and have no business being where they are.. that likely in fact performance and relative experiences makes them inferior?

A big dose of humility is needed for race pimps.


spc50 wrote

Screw the COVID nazis.

Bullshit was tired 10 days into this mass deception theater.

COVID rocks! It has eliminated the flu. It has lowered heart attacks.

It is a miracle wonder cure.. In their pursuit to hype it and control, they've wrecked health data and causes of death. What medicine couldn't cure or change in decades, COVID did in one short year.

They will have some answering to do in the future when the public gets aware and sober.