Recent comments in /f/I2P

z3d wrote

irc.echelon.i2p currently has issues. temporarily removing this server from your irc client tunnel config will make the problem disappear!


z3d OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by iHumanDrone in I2P+ 0.9.50+ released! by z3d

Yes, the project is very much alive, actively developed, with a growing userbase.

Some of the differences between I2P+ and I2P include:

  • 4 default console themes, 7 i2psnark themes, support for update-persistent css overrides and hiDPI screens
  • renovated console and webapp user interface, with additional features
  • in-console help section with pages for both new and experienced users
  • various under-the-hood performance enhancements

More info: or http://skank.i2p



BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

Reply to comment by abralelie in by XANA

Considering this website mentions Kiwix on the bottom, possibly yes. Maybe you can also download it and use it with Kiwix software, though I haven't actually checked that.