Recent comments in /f/I2P

BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

Reply to comment by abralelie in by XANA

Considering this website mentions Kiwix on the bottom, possibly yes. Maybe you can also download it and use it with Kiwix software, though I haven't actually checked that.


meathandler wrote (edited )

Something that would make me hop onto i2p every day

  • news aggregator
  • a weather site with forecasts etc.
  • something similar to (there's eanlib i guess, but it's still nowwhere near that)
  • online cookbook (maybe a mirror of etc.

Just some ordinary sites, but with no ads, granted anonymity and a nice web 2.0 design that is prevalent around here, i would choose it over the clearnet alternatives in a heartbeat

Also thanks to whoever made query.i2p, if that didn't happen it would also end up on this list


Rambler wrote

Let me know if the issue persists. The I2P site should be near clearnet speeds. It's a 0-hop tunnel since it's using the same clearnet server for the I2P site. I don't need to additional tunnel lengths to keep the site's origin anonymous since there is a public, clearnet version already available. So your I2P traffic to the site shouldn't be routed all over the network before being able to access the site. Should be pretty direct / fast.