NOT AGAIN!!! 10% of Internet to go offline soon! Let's Encrypt HTTPS ROOT certificates built deep inside most OSes all go dead Sept 30th 2021 for All internet able devices made since 2001 and 2 years ago, or turned off for 2 years and not OS updated. Hundreds of millions of users screwed that week. by smartypants in Tech (edited )
Posted by DoctorForesight in Ramble
2021.09.11 article ! HONEYPOT High end 'anonymous' An0m Cell phones : 'Every message was copied to the police’: the inside story of the most daring surveillance sting in history. $1,700 for phone and $1,250 annual subscription, ~10,000 people rounded up by Feds! Only trust full open source!
theguardian.comPosted by smartypants in Privacy
Posted by seven in Conspiracy
2021.09.06 NOT AGAIN!?! No-Log ProtonMail Logs French climate activist's IP Address With Authorities After Swiss + INTERPOL Court Order. Always use PGP too! End-to-end encrypted email service provider ProtonMail compromised fully by Swiss INTERPOL and Swiss Gov!
thehackernews.comPosted by smartypants in Tech
Posted by nerdyguy1990 in AskRamble