2021.09.06 NOT AGAIN!?! No-Log ProtonMail Logs French climate activist's IP Address With Authorities After Swiss + INTERPOL Court Order. Always use PGP too! End-to-end encrypted email service provider ProtonMail compromised fully by Swiss INTERPOL and Swiss Gov!
thehackernews.comPosted by smartypants in Tech
No-Log ProtonMail indeed Logs !
there's even more info than the IP address! https://twitter.com/MuArF/status/1433459776189607938
Pro Tip : Use TAILS, and use Australian FastMail, and use PGP, and enable enforced end to end crypto flag too on Fast Mail. PGP still secure.
Rambler wrote
To be fair, if you're the type of person who may draw any amount of attention to yourself then it's really up to you to use the tools made available to you to keep yourself private.
Sounds like they didn't utilize the onion service. Sounds like they didn't do enough on their own to protect themselves.
While I know this looks bad for ProtonMail, the reality is that service providers aren't investigative units and can only share what information you give them to share when given a lawful order to do so.