Recent comments in /f/Tor

9995Deluxe wrote

If you are using the Tor Browser Bundle and have set DuckDuckGoOnion as your default search engine, it still uses the v2 URL. It looks like they will switch this to the v3 onion once the v2 onion goes offline.


Rambler wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by sitefights in Raddle v3 onion by sitefights

Why are they hard on RAMBLE?

Something to do with me having insensitive humor and me possessing the radical belief in free speech, even speech promoting ideas that I disagree with.

We have a lot more in common than we have in our differences, the main difference is that I don't believe speech needs strict regulation and I don't jump to conclusions about someone's deeply rooted political and personal beliefs based on insignificant online interactions.

With that said, they've got a decent site. Like said over there: they do their thing and we do ours. Nothing to bicker over. A lot of the members here would get banned there, and a lot of the members there would scoff at some of the content here and not return after experiencing an unsavory exchange.

No big deal.


sitefights OP wrote

Reply to comment by Rambler in Raddle v3 onion by sitefights

If I find a user of what I made, I'll be glad and kind to the user. Why are they hard on RAMBLE? Btw I'm having fun with fights between them and RAMBLE a bit. Just a bit.


Rambler wrote (edited )

They'll delete that post and ban you as soon as Zig or Emma comes online since it mentions this site, by the way.

Good to see them upgrade to V3, though.

The software that powers this site was made for that site, by the way. In case you didn't know.


AWiggerInTime wrote (edited )

Finally. They had that v2 onion for years and couldn't be bothered to flip that one switch to make it v3.

Does it even work? I stopped using the v2 onion after it died for like a year or something.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

Well, reddit over VPN probably works better, unlike 4chan, which doesn't work over Tor, VPN, proxies, or whatever. But still, if you can, delete your reddit account. And uhh, don't be like me, who had to make a second reddit account just because I screwed up my phone, somehow, and I had to factory reset it, therefore losing my two-factor authentication codes. And if you're an EU citizen, make sure you don't use the normal deactivation process. Make sure to back up 2FA!


boobs wrote

this seems like the opposite of what is needed. instead of making an actually secure and decentralized human readable name system they are falling back to the x509 ca cabal money printer.


Rambler OP wrote (edited )

What is the Sybil attack? Is this a term that is well defined with Tor?

It's defined as:

In a Sybil attack, the attacker subverts the reputation system of a network service by creating a large number of pseudonymous identities and uses them to gain a disproportionately large influence.

Basically running a large number of network nodes (relays, exits) to analyze traffic and stuff.