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Saint_Cuthbert OP wrote

There are only some odd-thousand tor nodes out there. For a powerful adversary to run many of them doesn't seem too unbelievable (50 cent army). They may not be able to hire someone to watch each and every node al the time, but they could possibly automate the process with artificial intelligence.

The Whonix documentation discusses how Tor users can be fingerprinted by their typing speed, among other things. And remember that it wasn't public knowledge that emails and phone calls could be tracked on a large scale until somewhat recently. In The Art of War is says to make your enemy think that you're weak when you're strong and strong when you're weak.


cumlord wrote

Pretty much. tor is comparatively centralized and a lot more high profile than i2p. Fingerprinting is the thing that scares me the most, there's lots of identifiable metrics. Also instructive to look at how people have gotten deanon in the past but it doesn't anticipate the future or current capabilities. I'd think they'd spend the most energy targeting or trying to compromise high value targets/individuals like marketplaces/admins for the intel they could attain over a long period and we would be none the wiser. even if they don't have a big picture view of everything right now there's lots of tools that can be used to focus in on something of interest. I guess a good defense is to not be of interest.