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NotQball wrote

I did NOT monitor TOR the same way as i2p. There are some obvious "concessions"/sell-outs. I do NOT want to open THAT can of worms. What is obvious:

  1. Bad crappers: some entry guards and some exit nodes. These guys sell your data even from browsing ebay and Amazon. That desperate.
  2. In MY OPINION Tor Browser is mediocre...
  3. If you run YOUR OWN Tor servers and i2p routers (plural), despite of what you heard, SOME i2p traffic through Tor will help you out with TOR. You NEED 2 KNOW what you are doing on both networks and have some monitoring tools. This is for people in dire situations with enough knowledge of both networks. It is more of a problem for i2p than TOR. Don't make me sorry that I brought it up!

Saint_Cuthbert OP wrote

In your third statement, are your referring to the fact that I2p is now blocking Tor traffic?