Recent comments in /f/Privacy

takeheart wrote

There's bound to be some overlap between two, because goolag will include everything the other have, and add more on top of that, since goolag is much better at hostile data harvesting than a single honeypot.
And not shilling jewkipedia either, just look at who's paying them and you'll see where they stand on privacy.

goolag blood money
crapple blood money
malwaresoft blood money

In the end it's all about trust, and corporate cocksuckers deserve none.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

goolag uses it

Are you sure Goolag uses HIBP's database? I checked Wikipedia, searched for “Google”, found citation number 16, and what do we have here?

Google told Wired's Lily Hay Newman that its database is not the same as the Have I Been Pwned database of six billion compromised credential sets maintained by Australian security researcher Troy Hunt.


Google told [...] that its database is not the same as [...] of six billion compromised credential sets maintained by Australian security researcher Troy Hunt.

Oh, right! So while “there's bound to be some overlap between the two”, it doesn't mean they're the same! Why not view Wikipedia before saying this BS?


Rambler OP wrote

We wont' be offering dedicated servers anytime soon as far as I can tell, still working out gear for colocation for VPS nodes and stuff in a Luxembourg location we have though.

No PII required. Email preferred, but orders can be placed over XMPP or Session soon. Need some point of contact for invoice and notices to be sent to. Though throwaway emails are fine, and we may even offer (free) email hosting specifically for that purpose down the road. Pricing isnt' set in stone, but I honeslty doubt we'll do monthly terms just because the service wont' cost enough for it to be worth eating the fees associated with micro payments. And yes, crypto 100% preferred! BTC, XMR, ETH, ETC, LTC, OXEN, & PayPal + Cards (Processed by PayPal) is the current gateway methods but we'll also accept Theta / Tfuel, and I'll probably allow other alt-coins that I like. Also open to barter, assuming someone can do something or offer something that is worth the value of the service offered. So maybe someone can design cool graphics, or can do technical write-ups, etc. Value can be found in about anything.


Wingless wrote

What can possibly NOT go wrong? A vaccine card is supposed to show you got vaccinated. A cell phone app is supposed to spy on you, your location, your contacts, your preferences and viewing habits. If someone was remotely interested in knowing whether you were vaccinated -- they'd be looking for a card!


Wingless wrote

These short-sighted politicians look down a well and talk about jumping when they can't see the bottom. WE can see the bottom. We can see a world slaved to their totalitarian companies the way they want, yes; but we can see beyond, to the time when anyone caught hiding an ancient bricked cellphone and speaking incantations at it trying to unlock its magic -- will be tried as a witch and nailed to the stake for trying to call down a Drone Strike in treason to their village. We can feel the moral force of those nails as they rend the flesh, like so long ago at Calvary, yet with so much Pure Reason behind them as people rightly shrink in horror of the things the machines did with their power before all stopped and civilization fell. We can picture what would happen to those hapless parliamentarians, all full of their lies and chatter, in the courts of the future Kings, the great thugs of the realm, who would hoist them aloft on piercing wires and have their mobs play such a tune as has not been heard in the City of Dis itself. Fear the future, fear the pit of the madness, fear the Relentless Advance of Technology, which advances so soon ... to its end!


Wingless wrote

Facebook is stupid, but ... it AMAZES me how quickly people bought into the idea that a telephone book in the hands of the government is essential law enforcement, a telephone book in the hands of bankers is great for the economy, a telephone book in the hands of spammers is a job creator, but a telephone book in the hands of grubby peasants who didn't pay money for it is HORRIBLE, because YOU, you SCUM, you might CALL SOMEBODY.

Without first typing it in the search box and registering your interest forever in Google's database, that is. Information that they can sell, use in advertising, or have you imprisoned with based on your contact's odious anti-government beliefs.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

Ah, of course, blaming the victim. Totally not Boomerbook's fault that they force you to give your phone number. Seriously though, why those 533 million people won't move out of Facebook at this point? I bet fifth of the monthly active users switching to decentralized social networks, such as, will have a quite big impact on this centralized not-social network.


DeusExMachina wrote (edited )

I already use . Doesn't block anything but everything is uncensored and they keep no logs so I kinda like it . But for my phone , your DNS would be useful ( kinda hard to get adblock on ios !) . And for your VPN , I just have some questions ( I actually use Mullvad , very good vpn btw) : Would you have P2P dedicated servers ? Do I need any personal informations to register ? What is one-month price ? Can I pay in cryptocurrencies or Cash ? Thanks for answering !


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

I have a feeling that this was done intentionally: to hide the fact they're integrating some weird crypto thing into their (not) private messenger. I mean, Monero already exists, so why not make people learn about that? Instead, they're asking for your phone number, and they probably do a million other things wrong. It's just awful.


Rambler OP wrote

And yes, I'm aware of a bug with this site (RAMBLE) and linking to my invidious install. It fails to fetch the thumbnail / description / favicon from the site/pages linked and spits out a 500 Internal Server Error. It does it with a couple other sites too, so it's something I'm looking into.