Recent comments in /f/Privacy

chatrouge wrote (edited )

You have your entire name on your github, afterwards clicking on your github account lets me go to your LinkedIn... It's surprising how much you can find about someone just by searching their name or LinkedIn link.

Your code uses HTTP GET for its messaging, instead of post. I assume it is to make it easier for people who are listening to copy packages and just spam them. The software does not even have a simple checksum or any way to even remotely attempt to see if it is tampered. Why not have a P2P or Swarm like software. I am not trusting you with my privacy Umut.

This is at best a hobby project that you should keep to yourself. Horrible opsec btw.


righttoprivacy wrote (edited )

Relatable Noah Yuval Harari quote:

“and covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept to legitimize total biometric surveillance. If we want to stop this epidemic we need not just to monitor people we, need to monitor what's happening under the skin.” Yuval Noah Harari



NotQball wrote

Your i2p skills look great. I would have added Postman links to the book. The actual content is recycled crap: XMPP, Retroshare for i2p would have made better sense.
In a lot of cases professionals from Vulkan use pay phones and the Spok network (subscription and equipment). I did have more complicated equipment. Live Long and Prosper!


righttoprivacy wrote

The practice zone for new invasive tech? (tech later adopted by towns near you)

Most aren't aware of the 100 mile zone.

Some w/practice don't think rights quite as important within 100 miles of port / border:

Over 200 million people live live within 100mile of port / border. Majority of population.


NotQball wrote

The Law Firm that I use once in a decade uses Proton VPN and Proton email. It is more of an advertising gimmick. I offered, I rarely do for this profession, to set them up, but they refused saying it will make them a target. I personally did not have any luck setting a free account or it was closed in a few days. I would be very careful with any Swiss claims in general... bullshit is their way of living.


NotQball wrote

This is more sinister than it sounds. I currently don't have a cellphone for this very reason. I was able in the past to make hardware and software changes to cellphone to greatly reduce the tracking ability of service providers. One of the problems is that once you start roaming your service gets shut down and in some cases the phone is locked because the next guys don't make enough money from you. It is a jungle out there and really the solutions are cost and time consuming. I don't believe slavers can be reformed under the current conditions. These people are descendants of Sugar and Cotton slavers. Maybe somebody can explain to me why a Sugar Slaver is called a Sugar Baron.


PrivacyOsint OP wrote

Yes it works when dockerized. In the upcoming week I will be making a blog post at blog.itcomputes.i2p. I have updated everything and started using tailscale to expose the port on the mesh network locally. It is the same for tor and i2p. I was having to many issues so I waited to figure it out fully then google started blocking my / banning my ips. Right now I finished my search2.itcomputes.i2p searxng, working on many projects atm.

Email me if have any questions be then: privacyosint@mail.i2p/


NotQball wrote

There is a RIGHT 2 REPAIR movement. Car companies are aware that customers would choose that Right over some crap data that cops might get. PC Magazine is crap and does not mention what data the cops got. Most car companies are also aware of the term "to much data" when they tried 2 switch 2 "just in time production" without warehouses. I know so much about the industry that I put this story into the DECEPTION category.