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DeusExMachina wrote (edited )

I already use . Doesn't block anything but everything is uncensored and they keep no logs so I kinda like it . But for my phone , your DNS would be useful ( kinda hard to get adblock on ios !) . And for your VPN , I just have some questions ( I actually use Mullvad , very good vpn btw) : Would you have P2P dedicated servers ? Do I need any personal informations to register ? What is one-month price ? Can I pay in cryptocurrencies or Cash ? Thanks for answering !


Rambler OP wrote

We wont' be offering dedicated servers anytime soon as far as I can tell, still working out gear for colocation for VPS nodes and stuff in a Luxembourg location we have though.

No PII required. Email preferred, but orders can be placed over XMPP or Session soon. Need some point of contact for invoice and notices to be sent to. Though throwaway emails are fine, and we may even offer (free) email hosting specifically for that purpose down the road. Pricing isnt' set in stone, but I honeslty doubt we'll do monthly terms just because the service wont' cost enough for it to be worth eating the fees associated with micro payments. And yes, crypto 100% preferred! BTC, XMR, ETH, ETC, LTC, OXEN, & PayPal + Cards (Processed by PayPal) is the current gateway methods but we'll also accept Theta / Tfuel, and I'll probably allow other alt-coins that I like. Also open to barter, assuming someone can do something or offer something that is worth the value of the service offered. So maybe someone can design cool graphics, or can do technical write-ups, etc. Value can be found in about anything.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

IIRC, you only need to give your e-mail address (unlike Mullvad, which doesn't need even that, it just generates an account for you). I'm not sure about the prices, but you can pay in cryptocurrencies, but probably not in cash.