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ngmm wrote

At one point they started serving unsolvable captchas like google, fortunately they soon quit that fuckery and now it seems to work consistently.

It's still annoying as hell because tons of retarded webmasters block read access from Tor with Cloudflare cancer and thus also hCaptcha.

Though IMO captchas are not a fundamentally bad idea for blocking robots from having write access to a service, not malicious humans. They're just overused by idiots who have no fucking clue about what they're doing, which is mainly why half of the modern web is completely unusable on Tor. (There's also the minority which knows exactly what they're doing, aka Google.)


Mrwarmind OP wrote

Reply to Timing X Luck by Mrwarmind

Sorry for the long absence, had the Corona virus Also my dad passed away from heart problems, may he rest in peace


Rambler OP wrote (edited )

Texas' home defense laws are practically, "Fuck around and find out."

Refusal to adhere to non-lethal force or commands while trespassing when the trespasser knows you're armed allows for the use of deadly force. At night, I think it's just "assume every tresspasser is armed".

Plain clothes cops shouldn't be used too often.


TallestSkil wrote

Cucinella’s practice which is focused on “humane” architecture, a crossover of low and high tech worlds.

Translation: “made up bullshit that doesn’t actually mean a goddamn thing and which serves solely to destroy Western society and objective standards of beauty.”

The aesthetics of this house

It has none. It looks like a pork dumpling.

a beautiful, healthy, and sustainable home

No, no, and no, respectively.

The shape and the external ridges also enable the structural balance of the house.

No, they don’t.

The building is made from 350 12mm layers, and 60 cubic metres of natural materials for an average consumption of less than 6kW.

Wait, it only took 6 fucking kilowatts to run the machine to build this thing? He needs to stop everything he’s doing (because he’s totally shit at it) and focus EXCLUSIVELY on this. This is a goddamn revolution. You get THAT sort of energy savings from building a real house (you know, something that a human being would want to inhabit) and you’ll be a billionaire. That’s the sort of thing that Musk needs to be doing. This guy is going to squander the potential of this tech.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

Should've dig deeper before sharing then, especially when it's from reddit, where they do shit like censoring the Dig Deeper website, which is a fucking joke for a subreddit that says they help with "Privacy & Freedom in the Information Age". Never mind the subreddit, the entire forum is against privacy. At least they aren't Clownflared and they allow VPNs.