Recent comments
Xanadu wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in A new vision and direction for RAMBLE by Rambler
Based on what is happening with Reddit it's good idea :D
Xanadu wrote
Reply to comment by r3df0x in MuWire project is shut down by DcscZx5idox
In theory MuWire could still work though someone needs run relay for peer discovery and code needs to be rebuild to support that relay :)
Xanadu wrote
Reply to I2P+ 2.2.0+ released! by z3d
Just another amazing realese :)
Rambler OP wrote
Reply to comment by not_bob in A new vision and direction for RAMBLE by Rambler
It really is. Hopefully this may encourage some new users to check out I2P. I guess a easy-to-follow newb's guide to connecting to I2P may be in order eventually.
not_bob wrote
Reply to Which filesystem do you prefer to use? by Wahaha
I tend to use ext4, but it depends on the use case.
not_bob wrote
Reply to A new vision and direction for RAMBLE by Rambler
A step in the right direction. I2P is a great network.
awdrifter wrote (edited )
Reply to Twenty Year Old Anime by Wahaha
4l50 4 l07 0f w0rd5 4r3 b4nn3d, 1 c4n'7 3v3n p057 n0rm4lly, 1 h4v3 70 c0nv3r7 17 70 l337. 1n 7h3 m34n 71m3, 1 6u355 y0u c4n BASE64 Encode 70 3nc0d3 7h3 l1nk5.
awdrifter wrote (edited )
Reply to Site Update 09/12/2022 by Rambler
700 m4ny w0rd5 4r3 b4nn3d, 17 m4k35 7h3 5173 unu54bl3.
Wahaha wrote
Reply to by smartypants
I for one welcome our new AI overlords.
awdrifter wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by z3d in change site default theme by podnas
It's still happening on Waterfox. [img][/img]
Edit: Seems like they fixed it. But now the text is white when editing.
awdrifter OP wrote
Reply to comment by !deleted1087 in Viva La Vida - Miku Cover by awdrifter
HMTg927 OP wrote
Reply to comment by Wahaha in The Quest for Better Online Communities by HMTg927
Well, you could look at it that way, but remember that a community is a filter bubble of sorts anyway. However, people who realize that would always have the option of reading the unblocked unfollowed feed. In other words, they could just read everything.
z3d wrote (edited )
Reply to change site default theme by podnas
The issue should be fixed now, regardless of whether your browser sends a preference for the light or dark theme. Previously, if your browser requested the light theme, some of the font colors were off. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Wahaha wrote
Reply to comment by HMTg927 in The Quest for Better Online Communities by HMTg927
It might work, but then all you do is create better filter bubbles around people.
HMTg927 wrote
Reply to change site default theme by podnas
I am seeing the same thing with the Seamonkey browser.
HMTg927 OP wrote
Reply to comment by Wahaha in The Quest for Better Online Communities by HMTg927
Yes, you could follow someone who is not following you, but you could always adjust who you are following. Being limited to 150 would cause you to naturally think about whether you should remove people from your "follow" list who are perhaps not interested in following you. When you have a limited number of slots you will be more careful with them than if you have, say, 1000 slots.
awdrifter wrote (edited )
Reply to change site default theme by podnas
Yep, same issue. But u/Rambler hasn't posted since Nov 18, 2022. I think this site is pretty much abandoned.
podnas wrote
Reply to Which filesystem do you prefer to use? by Wahaha
Wahaha wrote
Reply to comment by HMTg927 in The Quest for Better Online Communities by HMTg927
So you could follow someone who doesn't follow you and never get a reply back?
Reddit already was a shot at this problem with all the subreddits and we see how that scaled.
Also, you need to shoot lower than Dunbar, since that includes people you socialize with in RL. (Family, work, friends)
HMTg927 OP wrote
Reply to The Quest for Better Online Communities by HMTg927
I have some ideas about how to enable better communities on sites that are not small. One is to allow users to follow each other but limit the number of people each user can follow to 150 (Dunbar's number). I hope this will cause users to naturally clump together in small groups that will become their online social circle.
Wahaha wrote
Reply to The Quest for Better Online Communities by HMTg927
The problem is that a community does not scale. It's trivial to get along well with ten other people. It is utterly impossible to get along well with ten million other people.
Wahaha wrote
Reply to comment by Zenen in A technologically advanced society is choosing to destroy itself. It's both fascinating and horrifying to watch by smallpond
I know about fungi networks, but even if they should know, we can't communicate with them.
z3d wrote
Reply to localhost got banned when using Ramble through Tor hidden service by AGPL