Recent comments

liminal wrote (edited )

It's interesting because, from what I gather, in Germany they have the same rule regarding telecommunication providers as in Switzerland, but different interpretations of it or - more precisely - of what constitutes a telecommunication provider. Maybe it's true that Switzerland is still a decent model when it comes to privacy.


Rambler OP wrote

I have no opinion one way or the other. I don't think that use of the word is actually offensive. Hunter is just trying to be hip and cool or whatever, which is cringey as hell, but not 'offensive' (in my opinion). Then again, I'm not 'qualified' to have an opinion on the matter. I just think it's some silly glorification of a culture that has some white people adopting lingo like that and I never understood why people get upset at that use of the word when used in that context.

I just posted because it'd be a massive story and in the news for a week had this happened a year ago with the last president's son, or something. There would be a lot of social media outrage, etc.

Anytime I hear a white person say shit like that I just think of J-Roc from Trailer Park Boys. &


burnerben wrote

the more that comes out the more i agree with the first one. supposedly they are experienced in ransomware. but why use bitcoin when you could just use monero? why use a wallet that can be accessed by the fbi? the group is called "darkside" and has an onion site. (havent found it personally) but what the media has presented is that they are experienced. they arent just some hackers who found a vuln and were like "hey lets write some ransomware". seems really suspect to me. and there has been a big push for regulation around crypto.


burnerben wrote

what im getting from this is the fbi served a secret warrent to whoever held the wallet and are showing it off to scare away people who are considering carrying out ransomware attacks.

a lot of the whole colonial pipeline situation is confusing to me so maybe you guys can help me fix my retardedness.

  1. Why didnt they just use XMR?

  2. Why would they use a wallet hosted by some company?

maybe im asking all the right questions, maybe im retarded. probably the ladder.


burnerben OP wrote

Reply to comment by Rambler in Thoughts on Kratom? by burnerben

Kratom can be very addictive because it targets some of the same receptors as opium. Ive only been dosing 1-2 grams every other day or so but i know a guy who takes 15 grams a day.


Rambler wrote

Believe it or not, I know a girl who has gone to rehab multiple times over her kratom addiction. I know it's legal in the US and a mild opiate but she's been in-and-out of rehab over it and alcoholism. Mind you, she isn't a hard drug user. She's definitely an alcoholic and heavy kratom user, and smokes weed from time to time but hasn't done anything most would consider 'hard'. But kratom and booze she struggles with maintaining any level of control.

I have no opinion on kratom, I've never done it or had any strong desire to do it. Mainly because my introduction to it was from her, and her experience was that of someone addicted to it which didn't make it sound fun.

I've sure met a handful of interesting people from Tinder, that's for sure, ha!


z3d wrote

irc.echelon.i2p currently has issues. temporarily removing this server from your irc client tunnel config will make the problem disappear!


z3d OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by iHumanDrone in I2P+ 0.9.50+ released! by z3d

Yes, the project is very much alive, actively developed, with a growing userbase.

Some of the differences between I2P+ and I2P include:

  • 4 default console themes, 7 i2psnark themes, support for update-persistent css overrides and hiDPI screens
  • renovated console and webapp user interface, with additional features
  • in-console help section with pages for both new and experienced users
  • various under-the-hood performance enhancements

More info: or http://skank.i2p
