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Rambler OP wrote

We're back up, again. Similar thing. Planned maintenance followed by me needing to be around to unlock the disks so that site is reachable. Full Disk Encryption is a blessing and a curse.


Rambler wrote

Let me know if the issue persists. The I2P site should be near clearnet speeds. It's a 0-hop tunnel since it's using the same clearnet server for the I2P site. I don't need to additional tunnel lengths to keep the site's origin anonymous since there is a public, clearnet version already available. So your I2P traffic to the site shouldn't be routed all over the network before being able to access the site. Should be pretty direct / fast.


Wahaha OP wrote

All languages have some shenanigans like that, but I think English is one of the few that can't decide how letters are supposed to be pronounced. Alternative meaning of the same word, like the bank to sit and the bank to put money in are one thing, but this is way worse:

For Asian characters it is the norm to have many ways to read them and even different meanings depending on context, but then this happens in English, too. A whole lot, it seems:


ngmm wrote

Heh, good point. But to be fair, the Japanese writing system also has its fair share of weirdness with the seemingly random readings of Kanji based on context, so things like this are possible... honestly, both languages have awful writing systems that often hardly reflect the actual pronunciation of words.


Rambler wrote

While CNN is most certainly garbage, MSM in general and the advent of the 24/7 news cycle is nothing more than news entertainment. They all report the same thing, with only a slight variation in tone or what aspects of an event/story/whatever are emphasized to best cater to their slightly different audience than a different network reporting the same.

Whether you're on the right or you're on the left, MSM is cancer. The right hates CNN, the left hates Fox. Both are garbage.


rmlrml wrote

It's very much about being comfortable offline. But the last two sections, "Surfing the Entire Internet with Your Digital Fortress" and "Using Your Digital Fortress to Communicate with Others", are about using alternative networks, and are short, easy reads (although they link to the author's other pages on the topics).


TallestSkil wrote

The trick is to never learn JavaScript (or have post-traumatic stress from the professor who taught it to you such that you don’t remember it), and therefore you won’t be ABLE to code a website with bad JavaScript. It’s the perfect solution.

Joking (am I?) aside, you’re obviously right. What we need to fight back is a browser explicitly designed to destroy all tracking mechanisms. And not just the obvious ones. For example, wipe all loaded websites of the ability to track cursor location and page scroll depth. Automatically erase all HTTP referrers from every single link so websites have no idea where you came from when you got to a specific page (make them think you manually typed in the URL every time). Oh, and the big one:

A WEBSITE SHOULD ONLY BE ABLE TO SEE COOKIES FROM ITS OWN DOMAIN. IT SHOULD NEVER HAVE ANY CAPABILITY WHATSOEVER TO EVEN SEE A RANDOMIZED, ANONYMIZED HASH OF WHAT OTHER COOKIES ARE ON THE DEVICE. When I heard that browsers just let any website see any other website’s cookies, I was so fucking appalled that I couldn’t put it into words. The mere idea of such a security flaw never even occurred to me, yet it’s literally common practice in browsers.


RAMBLE1 wrote (edited )

cleaner directory, that is sortable by category of eepsite?

What directory are you talking about ?

You can customize your home page from here :

Other than that I dont see what you're talking about.

Or maybe you mean something like notbob or identiguy that we could filter through categories ?

Me I'd like to see a website like these above that would display the description of the eepsites. I think that would be useful.


onion wrote

Reply to comment by burnerben in Update: Cinch News by burnerben

It's hard to believe it's real, but I'm guessing it is. I tried to find the Discord but I couldn't find it. So you must have stumbled on some private Discord. It would be weird for them to be staying "in character" in their own private chat even to the point of blocking you. If they were right wing people making fun of the left, the chat would probably be full of right wing stuff. If it's a joke, they're impressively committed to it.


Wahaha wrote

I tried but didn't make much progress reading this article. Possibly because the background color hurts my eyes. Or maybe because of the poor structure that suspiciously looks like a few walls of text glued together.

What I gathered was that the grand name is just describing a computer that isn't plugged into the Internet? But then I didn't figure out the why's and how's. Maybe someone can fill me in.