Recent comments in /f/Tech
Wahaha wrote
Phrasing it like that makes me wonder what a village full of pedophiles would look like.
Wahaha wrote
Isn't it run by the FBI anyway?
BlackWinnerYoshi wrote
Clearly, there are worse things the Tor Project did, such as removing a Clownflare discussion (notice how it doesn't exist on GitLab) and moving from Trac to GitLab, which caused disabling anonymous contributions. And let's not forget the Mozilla dependency…
Wingless wrote
Looks like a plain old copyvio: After all, once you believe the right of people to see and share images is "property", how can you object to China?
burnerben wrote
Reply to Lasers capable of transmitting signals at 224 gigabits per second, enough to achieve 800 gigabit ethernet by Rambler
the need for speed
burnerben wrote
Reply to comment by TallestSkil in Bing Censors Image Search for 'Tank Man' Even in US by z3d
BlackWinnerYoshi wrote
Reply to comment by TallestSkil in Bing Censors Image Search for 'Tank Man' Even in US by z3d
Especially since DuckDuckGo mostly relies on Bing for its results. All search engines suck, of course, but the best choice for now is searX.
TallestSkil wrote
Reply to comment by burnerben in Bing Censors Image Search for 'Tank Man' Even in US by z3d
CuckCuckShlomo is no good, either.
dontvisitmyintentions wrote
They show it now, including reports that Bing blocked it at the top. I bet some intern fat-fingered the country list.
burnerben wrote (edited )
duck duck go all the way
Edit: i stand corrected.
z3d OP wrote
Let Microsoft know you care:
TallestSkil wrote
Reply to comment by Wingless in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
Uh… no? You don’t get it at all.
Wingless wrote
Reply to comment by TallestSkil in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
Well if that's so, you could take 100,000 Computer Professionals from all the top companies on Earth ... and you'd find they're 100.000% "Jewish".
Wingless wrote
Reply to comment by smartypants in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
That sounds like the classic "this isn't child porn ... it's just a natural number in base two."
Wahaha wrote
Reply to comment by smartypants in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
Any sources to read up on that?
smartypants OP wrote
Reply to comment by Wingless in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
SInce 2017 for their Animojis, lots of links. But now in 2021 they use pupil and gaze track to dim screen, and encode 3d faces to cloud. They call the 30,000 plotted 3d pixels... NOT A PHOTO in court documents, when they can be trivially used to make a accurate photo from the 30,000 plotted points.
smartypants OP wrote
Reply to comment by Wahaha in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
SInce 2017 for their Animojis, lots of links. But now in 2021 they use pupil and gaze track to dim screen, and encode 3d faces to cloud.
smartypants OP wrote
Reply to comment by TallestSkil in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
They did, often since 2017, scan faces for 30,000 data points in 3d FOR EMOTION TRACKING in Animojis in 2017 and later, but now in 2021 they do it on home screen and measure pupil and study gaze direction.
Learn and read. Lots of links support all I just typed.
div1337 wrote (edited )
Reply to HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
A connected device keeps scanning you and your surrounding (and no mean to switch it off according to posts in apple forum) ... it sounds dodgy as. If Apple isn't spying on its users, it is not yet.
TallestSkil wrote
Reply to comment by Wingless in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
Imagine being so fucking jewish that you believe anything you described is moral, legal, or even remotely acceptable from a business perspective.
TallestSkil wrote
Reply to comment by kaaksikoon in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
lol no, they don’t do that.
TallestSkil wrote
Reply to HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
partly admits
They admitted nothing. It’s not happening. You’re just libeling.
burnerben wrote
Reply to comment by kaaksikoon in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
ive been sucked into their ecosystem for so long idk if i can get out of it
kaaksikoon wrote
Reply to comment by burnerben in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
Apple opposes Right to Repair (1, 2) and slows down old phones (NPR, BBC) which leads to people buying new phones earlier which is shit for the environment and of course not really owning a product you bought is shit, drove their factory workers to suicde (The Guardian), they are anti-competitive with their app-store, their products are overpriced, blablabla - don't buy Apple.
(yeah yeah, Apple isn't the worst, but that doesn't validate buying their crap or even claiming it's "good")
TallestSkil wrote
Reply to comment by BlackWinnerYoshi in The Tor Project stands in solidarity with the pedophile community by Hitler_Was_Right
Is there a way to transplant the Tor protocols onto a different browser engine? Say, WebKit? Why hasn’t anyone forked Tor as a result of their behaviors?