Recent comments in /f/Tech
J0yI9YUX41Wx wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in CENSORING ASSHOLES?! Cloudflare pulls plug this hour on Gab?!?!?! BANNED OR BLOCKED??? that link , depending on when you click it proves thousands of people suddenly cannot access ! Hurray for Ramble avoiding using Cloudflare! by smartypants
Yeah, could be an outage. Amazon is comfortable saying "you broke our Terms of Service" (i.e. "we don't like you"). So in the absence of such an email, I'm inclined to believe this is technical issues.
spc50 wrote
Reply to CENSORING ASSHOLES?! Cloudflare pulls plug this hour on Gab?!?!?! BANNED OR BLOCKED??? that link , depending on when you click it proves thousands of people suddenly cannot access ! Hurray for Ramble avoiding using Cloudflare! by smartypants
Definitely down for me. I don't use it, but loaded it to see :)
CloudFail has been experiencing a good bit of issues past few weeks.
smartypants wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in Global Cloudflare outage reported. by Rambler
Cloudflare 30 minutes ago, 21 hours after your typing, is DOWN for accessing
Rambler wrote (edited )
Reply to CENSORING ASSHOLES?! Cloudflare pulls plug this hour on Gab?!?!?! BANNED OR BLOCKED??? that link , depending on when you click it proves thousands of people suddenly cannot access ! Hurray for Ramble avoiding using Cloudflare! by smartypants
I didn't know Gab was using Cloudflare, but there it is:
edit: works and so does . Might not be a Cloudflare issue, might just be regular ol' maintenance or outage. Cloudflare had a large outage last night that impacted most North American customers from what I understand so it's not like they're prone to breaking.
riddler wrote
Reply to Nvidia limits crypto-mining on new graphics card by ____
This is more about charging higher prices to selected markets than increasing availability. Build products and sell them for what the market will bear. Stupid restrictions like region locking only make consumers bitter.
I've got a friend waiting on me to build a gaming PC for him for the past two months. Graphics cards are running 2-5x the prices they were running in late October. Ironically, the prices are still going higher. What was $180 in October became $450 in January. Now the same card is running in the $650 range. That is assuming I'm willing to deal with a sketchy third party seller. I'm sure there are many other people also putting off purchases because of the insane pricing. This is also likely cutting into the rest of the market (cases, power supplies, software, retailers, etc).
Allegedly the same problems with video card production are impacting automotive production as well. Globalism really is starting to look like third world for the entire world. We can't keep power or water on. We can't make computer components. All because of some flu that mainly affects old people in assisted living facilities.
smartypants wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in Global Cloudflare outage reported. by Rambler
Good for you!
Alternatives to Cloudflare DDoS protection:
BitMitigate (one time banned a domain, but bans far less than CloudFlare)
Digital ocean
Imperva Incapsula
Dynu Dynamic DNS
Neustar SiteProtect
Cloudflare censor bans sites with no warning, (23 hours sometimes).
Cloudflare also demands no private jevascript cryptography of payloads, and all traffic must be in clear and use an evil CLOUDFLARE SSL KEY on your behalf!!
Its true! NOt one actual private person to person message was ever sent on in history, because used Cloudflare and thus, ceded all actual true https ability and cloudflare stores and copies all traffic for feds, as Cloudflare often revealed.
smartypants wrote (edited )
Thank you for posting this story!
It has immense interest to me, from my ancient career of exploiting these chips and other related chips via renting scanning electron microscopes and peeling off obfuscation grid atop the good parts, and also "runtime glitching" (voltage, temp, amperage, clock jitter) to glean internal keys of production runs.
Not for fraud, but for selling crypto services... I was a white hat and part of a team of guys... or at least I mostly a white hat, but not a gray hat, nor black hat.
Rambler OP wrote
Reply to comment by AWiggerInTime in Global Cloudflare outage reported. by Rambler
We never used Cloudflare for DDOS filtering. Cloudflare was honestly used out of old habit of quick DNS setup and on-the-fly SSL Certs. Habits are hard to break sometimes.
Our current service provider handles the filtering for us.
AWiggerInTime wrote
Reply to Global Cloudflare outage reported. by Rambler
So what are you behind now Rambler? VanwaTech?
Rambler OP wrote
Reply to Global Cloudflare outage reported. by Rambler
CF is back up.
solstice wrote
good article. except for the star wars allegory at the beginning, which was kinda cringe tbh
Kalchaya wrote
I find it difficult to believe a smart guy like James O'Keefe did not see that coming a mile away.
Kalchaya wrote
No, the CA nazis have full control of all browsers. You would need to circumvent SSL/TLS completely, via SSL-stripping, probably using a MiTM proxy.
Kalchaya wrote
Reply to YouTube's 'dangerous' crackdown on independent journalists: 'It defies all logic and reason' by Rambler
'It defies all logic and reason' only if one has been too lazy to read the books of Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, etc., or has a reading comprehension too negligible to understand what was read. Know the enemy, and you will seldom be surprised (or mystified), by its words or deeds!
Kalchaya wrote (edited )
Reply to Social media platform Parler back online after being banned by major tech companies by Rambler
Anything that requires the download of an app is still a bad idea.
Wahaha wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by awdrifter in Is there a browser that can ignore SSL error? by awdrifter
Well, according to the Internet:
I don't get this error, so.. who knows. Must be something on your end.
awdrifter OP wrote
Reply to comment by Wahaha in Is there a browser that can ignore SSL error? by awdrifter
Just tried Firefox, I'm still getting the error.
Wahaha wrote
I'm using Firefox and don't get any of these.
Kalchaya wrote (edited )
Reply to Be cautious of (((people))) telling you the world's foremost problem is cultural marxism or islam. by Hitler_Was_Right
Of all the extant religions, none are worse than the Abrahamic-based ones of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Of all the political systems, none are worse than communism, socialism and the 101 flavors of leftist ideology. Take the total number of fatalities directly and indirectly attributable to Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Communism, Socialism, and various varieties of leftism throughout recorded will have a combined body count equaled by no one or nothing else. Guaranteed!
mr4channer wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in A curated list of tools and services that respect your privacy. by Hitler_Was_Right
stop crying faggot, one day ramble will be there.
mr4channer wrote
hosted on github owned by ms. do niggers really?
Rambler wrote
No RAMBLE on the list. =/
div1337 wrote
The censorship continues
riddler wrote
Reply to Terraria dev cancels Stadia port after Google disabled his email account for three weeks by Rambler
Google is by far the worst for this. If you have an account and use it for everything, this can completely utterly decimate your online footprint. I don't know how they haven't faced class action lawsuits for this. It takes a little time, patience, and planning to remove the requirement for a google account from an android phone, but it's well worth it.
Simply put, don't depend on google for anything. Not just because they completely violate your privacy, but also because they simply don't care about you from a customer service point of view. Articles like this are great for teaching normies to avoid one-account-everywhere that google wants people to implement.
spc50 wrote
Reply to CENSORING ASSHOLES?! Cloudflare pulls plug this hour on Gab?!?!?! BANNED OR BLOCKED??? that link , depending on when you click it proves thousands of people suddenly cannot access ! Hurray for Ramble avoiding using Cloudflare! by smartypants
Don't you DIY nerds blackhole CloudFlare on your personal nets?
The world is a lot quieter and more decent when you blackhole CloudFail.