2022.06.10 : New chip exploit!!! MIT researchers uncover ‘unpatchable’ flaw in Apple M1 chips that can partially be used to break into kernel combined with other leveraged hacks. Apple's new 'Gender Diversity' hiring in middle management of Chip Design team to blame? Retards!
techcrunch.comPosted by smartypants
APPLE USERS are getting their machines pwned by MOSSAD and FBI this week still! CVE-2022-22620 A FOURTH formerly unpatched until a couple weeks ago remote webP malware stream sent in FAKE JPEGS to people who do not ban all webP from their boxes! Really! 250 million unpatched Apple users still!
cve.mitre.orgPosted by smartypants (edited )
Posted by DcscZx5idox (edited )
Posted by smartypants