Posted by smartypants
Some of the Newer Thin Clients are Dirt-Cheap General-Purpose Computers
cheapskatesguide.orgPosted by HMTg927
PinePhone Malware Surprises Users, Raises Questions
hackaday.comPosted by Rambler
Is techno-clutter ruining your life?
cheapskatesguide.orgPosted by HMTg927
2021.12.06 : OH NO! All web sites at risk ! Even if you register your domain name in Russia or China , Lawyers can attack other DNS SERVERS NOW! Resolvers such as Quad9, OpenDNS, Cloudflare under attack and SONY GOT Quad9 to CENSOR!
torrentfreak.comPosted by smartypants
A Review of the 2008 Lenovo ThinkPad T500
cheapskatesguide.orgPosted by HMTg927
Microsoft De-indexed My Website from Bing but says It will Re-index It Soon
cheapskatesguide.orgPosted by HMTg927
Hah! Diversity Hires at FBI IT cause repercussions!? Hackers breach FBI's system, take control of federal account to send thousands of fake emails! 100,000 emails from authentic FBI servers used for outbound.
wnd.comPosted by smartypants
Without a Cell Phone, Big Tech gives You no Assurance of an Online Identity.
misc-stuff.terraaeon.comPosted by HMTg927
ITS HAPPENING NOW!! Mysteriously a leading 'total privacy' email network has been forced dead offline for 8 hours! FASTMAIL dead world wide!! Fastmail is an enemy of NSA/FBI/MOSSAD and many nation states. Nation-State level attack!
files.catbox.moePosted by smartypants (edited )
Ruqqus Shutting Down
ruqqus.comPosted by awdrifter
Firefox’s address bar has ads now, but you can disable them
theverge.comPosted by DcscZx5idox
L0phtCrack just went OPENSOURCE, plus a 1.5 gigabyte rainbow starter table. 20 minutes ago the 3rd set of sourcecode related to L0phtCrack also now on GitHub !
news.ycombinator.comPosted by smartypants
2021.10.13 : Apple silently fixes iOS zero-day exploit (analyticsd), asks bug reporter to keep mouth shut, DOES NOT CREDIT bug reporters during news cycles. Many bug reporters NEVER PAID bounties.
bleepingcomputer.comPosted by smartypants
Escaping the Consumer Router Trap with DD-WRT on a Netgear R6300v2
cheapskatesguide.orgPosted by HMTg927
Facebook-owned sites are down
news.ycombinator.comPosted by BlueHat
The Terribly Tragically Sad Computer Owner
cheapskatesguide.orgPosted by HMTg927
September 28, 2021 - FinSpy, also known as FinFisher or Wingbird, FINALLY ANALYZED (the latest versions). It is an infamous surveillance toolset for multiple operating systems. YOUR DEVICES COULD BE ROOTED
securelist.comPosted by smartypants
Why this Website is not, and may never be, HTTPS
misc-stuff.terraaeon.comPosted by HMTg927
The Consumer Router Trap
cheapskatesguide.orgPosted by HMTg927
NOT AGAIN!!! 10% of Internet to go offline soon! Let's Encrypt HTTPS ROOT certificates built deep inside most OSes all go dead Sept 30th 2021 for All internet able devices made since 2001 and 2 years ago, or turned off for 2 years and not OS updated. Hundreds of millions of users screwed that week. by smartypants (edited )