Recent comments in /f/Ramble

BlueHat wrote

I have indeed noticed some quirks. I thought that they were weird, since my browser (Pale Moon) kept showing me errors whenever I loaded the site. I even reported this in the #ramble channel on irc2p, although I had to go offline, so I don't know if you responded or not. Also, I'm unable to login over I2P now for some reason. I can't really tell whether it's an issue with the browser or the site, since everything worked fine before.


Halver wrote

Hello, Thanks for providing those forums. I may help a bit with the moderation of some forums, but I'm exclusively using the torbrowser, and I don't know if this is technically feasible (because of js etc). My interests are with cryptocurrency (mainly Monero), privacy, Tor, onions, etc.


GadgeteerZA wrote

Reply to comment by Rambler in How about an app? by Newaccount

Interesting, as that was a question I, and others, had about whether this is open source or not. Are the improvements then being passed upstream back to the open source project?


Rambler wrote

If you're cool with it and /u/wahaha is cool with it, I can make it be.

The inability to add moderators to forums you make isn't a setting on my end. It's just something to do with Postmill (the software that powers this site). I can still manually add users as mods to any forum, but for some reason forum creators can't. Hopefully it's an issue corrected in a future update of the software.


Rambler OP wrote

Not sure what 'police takeover' you seem to think would occur when a moderator literally has no access to anything other than normal moderator actions. IE: Remove spam/posts, all of which is visible via the global mod log and done in a way where I can reverse their actions if I disagree with it. Not like I'm requesting help and giving someone SSH access to the box, ha.

I admit, I've slacked a bit as I've been focused more on my business project than this. I hate my factory job and am trying to grow a business so that I can support myself from it and it alone.

Feel free to pop in or create a new account in the future. Registration is open and I'm still lurking.


takeheart wrote

I guess it's the end, it was fun couple of months, but when admin doesn't care and invites police for takeover, I ain't gonna stay to see the same shit unfolding again. Naturally, I'm not blaming you, your own life should always take priority. Take care.


Rambler OP wrote

Did we even have spam and/or illegal stuff recently? ..does piracy count as illegal stuff?

Woops, I should have clarified. We've been the target of a couple random raids. One, from Voat, (because shortly after a new Voat member posted this: and other similar stuff.

Piracy and stuff is fine. I just mean removing obvious spam, and obvious ultra illegal stuff like CP or posts about specific threats of violence, as well as posts asking for or offering illegal goods. This site is not a dark net marketplace. My provider has made it clear that linking TO suck marketplaces are okay and I believe some links already exist in that regards.


Wahaha wrote

No worries about downtime.
Not sure how to grow a site, but I'm trying to contribute. Even if its kind of like talking to a void sometimes. I'm also not having that much time in a day I can waste on the Internet, so there's that.

Did we even have spam and/or illegal stuff recently?
..does piracy count as illegal stuff?