Posted by MrBlack in Privacy

I've used DuckDuckGo for a long time but they're in the US and the search results aren't that good... I find myself going to Google sometimes still just to find what I want.



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XANA wrote

YaCy :)


MrBlack OP wrote

You have to install it? I thought there were some sites that used it. What do you use that uses it?


jack_walking wrote

Startpage; basically Google quality results without having to share anything.


santorihelix wrote

Yacy is probably the best followed by Searx although not if you're on Whonix which makes the usage of Yacy (and I'm guessing Searx too) insecure. If you aren't on Whonix and you want good results, you could locally host your Searx instance and adjust the search targets to your liking. This would also be your most private choice since it's

  • open source and you don't have to trust a website to actually deploy what you advertise
  • you can route it over Tor (alas, I didn't check how) or just morty which will sanitize your searches

P.S. Yes I know Searx is technically a metasearch engine, but hey, it gets the search done.


sudoer777 wrote (edited )

Searx is the best right now because it has good results (proxied from Google) but prevents tracking. I'm using

EDIT: Disroot search is blocked by CAPTCHA again, switched to


penis wrote

Ni ether work good, altabista worked better 20 years ago.


Newaccount wrote

I use Brave , much quicker than DDG


XANA wrote

You can install it and help indexing web, or you can use public instances :)