Recent comments in /f/News

abralelie wrote

Despite who this person is, I agree. It is however a difficult issue: where can transgenders compete?

Men->Women transgenders are physically advantaged to bio-women and disadvantaged to bio-men. The inverse applies to Women->Men transgenders. I doubt there are enough transgenders to compete in their own league.



Rambler OP wrote (edited )

Texas' home defense laws are practically, "Fuck around and find out."

Refusal to adhere to non-lethal force or commands while trespassing when the trespasser knows you're armed allows for the use of deadly force. At night, I think it's just "assume every tresspasser is armed".

Plain clothes cops shouldn't be used too often.


Rambler wrote (edited )

It's sort of crazy to think that in this modern era of wireless devices that behind all of them is large scale fiber deployments. Literally countless miles of fiber running from city to city, town to town. Underground, underwater and spanning the ocean to connect continents together.

People don't often stop to think about the actual physical point to point networking involved. The younger generation thinks the internet is just 'wireless' and comes from a box in their living room or from their cellphone. Even crazier when you look at datacenters and the vast amount of energy it takes to keep servers online.


Rambler OP wrote (edited )

Wasn't for sure to post this in /f/news or /f/clownworld . I always thought the "we want reparations for something none of us has ever experienced" thing was sort of a meme, but here we are.

I'm not sure how you'd even determine who would qualify. In America, many (the majority, I believe) of African Americans immigrated after the civil war.