Recent comments in /f/Conspiracy
Saint_Cuthbert wrote
Reply to The CIA's Secret Heart Attack Gun by ghast
I'm less concerned about the heart attack gun than I am the heart attack shots, lol. I hope y'all didn't take those.
Draconian wrote
Reply to MUTILAÇÃO DE GADO by bagaaht234
você diz o MST?
takeheart wrote
Reply to How to make a tin foil hat. by saiuojf
That may temporarily save you from death rays, but not from mind control rays
Sidmeyer OP wrote
Reply to comment by babajees in Revisiting the Chilling Death of Elisa Lam by Sidmeyer
Actually yes. But it's actually caused by psychotic episode, and not something else.
babajees wrote
Reply to Revisiting the Chilling Death of Elisa Lam by Sidmeyer
is it real?
spektor wrote
Reply to Revisiting the Chilling Death of Elisa Lam by Sidmeyer
If the article is supposed to be especially scary, I'm not sure it is any more scary than anything else Satan does. If you are staying in an evil hotel, you might wind up with some spiritual problems that you'd rather not have.
solstice wrote
Reply to This will change your life. by GravimetricJammatronics
Error: the file existed but was deleted.
The link is dead.
takeheart wrote
Reply to comment by txt in Feds will release a "non-toxic gas" in 100+ NYC locations between Oct 18 and 29. by ghast
Why wouldn't they want to poison people? Not to kill but to make them sick enough to require visit to hospital and force a jab there, or simply for profits. As you said, no accountability.
txt wrote
I don't really think that they are trying to poison people, but its still creepy as fuck. The US government takes 0 accountability, as shown by their treatment of Edward Snowden and other whistle-blowers. If anyone here wants to kill people freely, get a job as a government enforcer. The pay is good to. No college required.
Rambler wrote (edited )
They do this every once in a while. I recall them doing this some years back in NYC.
Similar to military trainings done in cities. Remember the training in Miami almost ten years ago? . This was in LA more recently: There are many other examples from other cities over the years as well. It's not exactly uncommon.
Easier than building mock cities to train in urban, at home environments but still scary to witness and always has people wondering, "What if..."
Blij wrote
The linked article says this;
Non-Toxic Gas to Be Deployed in 100+ NYC Locations, Including Transit, In Bio-Attack Readiness Test
The test gas is non-toxic and poses no health risk to the public
Published October 11, 2021 • Updated on October 12, 2021 at 10:10 pm
New York City's response plans for a chemical or biological attack will be put to the test in the coming weeks as part of a federal preparedness study.
The MTA says the Department of Homeland Security working alongside a team of researchers and city agencies will deploy a non-toxic gas this month at about 120 locations across the city, including transit.
Most of the locations will be above ground, including some parks. A number of below-ground subway stations will also be included, though details on which ones weren't known.
The tests will be conducted on five separate days between Oct. 18 and 29.
BlackWinnerYoshi wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in This will change your life. by GravimetricJammatronics
From what I can see, it's a game where you have to do specific tasks to get the password of the next archive. It also looks like it was originally available as a torrent:
Galactic Disco Frenzy.7z/Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.txt
[ = / \ = \ / = : : : ] One last request, please seed and don't do the old switcharoo!
but I failed to find it, and I have thirty search engines in qBittorrent, and since Lufi is a temporary file uploader, if the file expires (and I'm unable to see the time remaining), no one can download it unless it gets reuploaded. I guess I'll wait until it actually expires and someone tags me to upload it to Nextcloud. (I think that tagging will cause a notification to appear for me, right?)
Rambler wrote
Reply to This will change your life. by GravimetricJammatronics
What is it?
Sel wrote
Reply to comment by MrBlack in List of Proven Conspiracies by MrBlack
DEAR sir I am in trouble I need your help please help me my my email ID for further queries I need donation $45000 its true for more information. Thanks
Idonotexist wrote
Reply to Ask A REAL Noctulian. by CO45TOB
Does the Tempel have any current means of contact?
Wingless wrote
Reply to by scarfacedarkk
I have no idea, but my guess is that somebody is looking for an excuse to get a search warrant on ProtonMail. Odds he has a "client" in the same room with him to send the email? Do you suppose that's really his ProtonMail account? Do you suppose the mods should message ProtonMail and tell them they have jack booted thugs on the way? I mean, I'd almost send an email myself to this address to warn whoever it is that he's being gaslighted as a hit man for some reason, but I don't want the Government of China or whoever knows what the original address was for to start cracking my case.
burnerben wrote
Reply to by scarfacedarkk
fuck you kid
WarmPotato wrote
Reply to Ghislane who? by Rambler
Saw this on insta. Facts.
WarmPotato wrote
Creepy af
hass333 wrote
Reply to Ask A REAL Noctulian. by CO45TOB
He thought the Tempel was inactive or dormant in some way. Are you still active and welcoming members? It would be interesting if you could tell me about the entry into Tempel, tests for the initiate and all these beginner matters, your experiences. If you see it safer I'll give you a personal email ... whatever you see, thank you.
dontvisitmyintentions wrote
Reply to If you told conspiracy theorists this 10 years ago they would have called you nuts. by Seidoken
I don’t know why the post office is doing this,
They're loyal. They're idle. They're not white. Simple as.
takeheart wrote
Reply to If you told conspiracy theorists this 10 years ago they would have called you nuts. by Seidoken
No, in 2011 that much was obvious.
takeheart wrote
Reply to comment by onion in FBI warns that making or selling fake vaccine cards is a crime. Using official government agency seals to create forged vaccination records is a federal crime punishable under Title 18 United States Code, Section 1017 by onion
I assume most vaccines are pretty safe
They assumed the same
freedom is hard to get back
Said sheep on it's way to the butchery. WAKE UP YOU DUMB FUCK, lost life is impossible to get back.
onion OP wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in FBI warns that making or selling fake vaccine cards is a crime. Using official government agency seals to create forged vaccination records is a federal crime punishable under Title 18 United States Code, Section 1017 by onion
Some colleges have told students that they need to get vaccinated by this fall, but others are saying that they won't and don't think they are legally allowed since the FDA has not given full approval for any of the vaccines. They only granted emergency use authorization.
It will take longer to get full FDA approval for children getting the vaccine because those studies started later
If they are required before they are approved, that's one way covid vaccine requirements could be different than the existing requirements in many school.
I assume most vaccines (flu, measles, etc) are pretty safe, though I haven't really researched it. But I can see a strong possibility of society getting very dystopian over the next 50 years or so. I see further merging of corporate and government power plus increased interest by governments in genetic modification of citizens. According to John Ratcliffe, China is already attempting to develop genetically modified super-soldiers. Publicly, the US might just create augmented soldiers using other technologies like cyborg tech and exoskeletons, at least at first... But I don't think they would just let China race ahead when it comes to genetically enhancing humans (including enhancements like "obedience to authority"). Covertly or not, they'd want to do similar experiments.
Gene therapy is something that can be done by injections today. I think now is probably a good time to push back on the idea that an injection can be required in order to do normal things like go to school. Any freedom is hard to get back once it is given away and I expect that to become even more true in the future.
Saint_Cuthbert wrote
Reply to VAERS yielded a total of 795 reports of adverse events associated with the formation of clotting disorders and related conditions for all three vaccines from Dec. 14, 2020, through April 8. by raincoat
Has anyone here read Pfizer's released documents? If an unvaccinated man walks by a vaccinated person, and then goes around a pregnant woman, he can cause her to miscarry. The covid vaccines were the worst mistake the world ever made. I would recommend Red Voice Media for more information concerning this subject.