Recent comments

z3d wrote (edited )

If you had an old login cookie in your browser cache, you'll probably still be able to post from the clearnet or .onion site for as long as that cookie persists and is valid, or until we proactively invalidate or otherwise neuter non-i2p cookies.

However, it shouldn't be possible to login or signup from anywhere other than ramble.i2p. This is by design to minimize abuse and the concomitant moderation workload, and to encourage I2P adoption.


awdrifter wrote (edited )

4l50 4 l07 0f w0rd5 4r3 b4nn3d, 1 c4n'7 3v3n p057 n0rm4lly, 1 h4v3 70 c0nv3r7 17 70 l337. 1n 7h3 m34n 71m3, 1 6u355 y0u c4n BASE64 Encode 70 3nc0d3 7h3 l1nk5.


awdrifter wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by z3d in change site default theme by podnas

It's still happening on Waterfox. [img][/img]

Edit: Seems like they fixed it. But now the text is white when editing.


HMTg927 OP wrote

Well, you could look at it that way, but remember that a community is a filter bubble of sorts anyway. However, people who realize that would always have the option of reading the unblocked unfollowed feed. In other words, they could just read everything.


z3d wrote (edited )

The issue should be fixed now, regardless of whether your browser sends a preference for the light or dark theme. Previously, if your browser requested the light theme, some of the font colors were off. Apologies for the inconvenience.


HMTg927 OP wrote

Yes, you could follow someone who is not following you, but you could always adjust who you are following. Being limited to 150 would cause you to naturally think about whether you should remove people from your "follow" list who are perhaps not interested in following you. When you have a limited number of slots you will be more careful with them than if you have, say, 1000 slots.


Wahaha wrote

So you could follow someone who doesn't follow you and never get a reply back?

Reddit already was a shot at this problem with all the subreddits and we see how that scaled.

Also, you need to shoot lower than Dunbar, since that includes people you socialize with in RL. (Family, work, friends)


HMTg927 OP wrote


I have some ideas about how to enable better communities on sites that are not small. One is to allow users to follow each other but limit the number of people each user can follow to 150 (Dunbar's number). I hope this will cause users to naturally clump together in small groups that will become their online social circle.