In Defense of the Humble Pi
cheapskatesguide.org2022.06.10 : New chip exploit!!! MIT researchers uncover ‘unpatchable’ flaw in Apple M1 chips that can partially be used to break into kernel combined with other leveraged hacks. Apple's new 'Gender Diversity' hiring in middle management of Chip Design team to blame? Retards!
techcrunch.comPosted by smartypants in Tech
The Importance of Truly Owning Our Devices
cheapskatesguide.orgPosted by DcscZx5idox in Tech
Computers Were Not Meant to be Screwdrivers
misc-stuff.terraaeon.comAfter Being Banned from More than Ten Social Media Sites, I Decided to Create My Own
cheapskatesguide.orgMicrosoft's Use of Pluton Suggests It Sees PC Owners as the Enemy
cheapskatesguide.orgA look at search engines with their own indexes
seirdy.oneThe New Internet We can Expect, Not the One We Want
cheapskatesguide.orgAPPLE USERS are getting their machines pwned by MOSSAD and FBI this week still! CVE-2022-22620 A FOURTH formerly unpatched until a couple weeks ago remote webP malware stream sent in FAKE JPEGS to people who do not ban all webP from their boxes! Really! 250 million unpatched Apple users still!
cve.mitre.orgPosted by smartypants in Tech (edited )
A Brief Review of the qTox Peer-to-Peer Chat Program
cheapskatesguide.orgThe Joys and Sorrows of Maintaining a Personal Website
cheapskatesguide.orgMoving Up from a Raspberry Pi Web Server to a Low-Cost, Low-Power x86 Web Server
cheapskatesguide.orgDesigning Devices for Long-Term Care and Reuse
cheapskatesguide.orgThe Old Internet Shows Signs of Quietly Coming Back
cheapskatesguide.orgThe One Week Command Line Challenge
cheapskatesguide.orgYT-DLP video downloader (based on youtube-dl)
github.comPosted by DcscZx5idox in Tech (edited )
A Thin Client as a Very Inexpensive Low-Power Home Theater PC
cheapskatesguide.orgPosted by smartypants in Tech
PinePhone Malware Surprises Users, Raises Questions
hackaday.comSome of the Newer Thin Clients are Dirt-Cheap General-Purpose Computers
cheapskatesguide.org2021.12.06 : OH NO! All web sites at risk ! Even if you register your domain name in Russia or China , Lawyers can attack other DNS SERVERS NOW! Resolvers such as Quad9, OpenDNS, Cloudflare under attack and SONY GOT Quad9 to CENSOR!
torrentfreak.comPosted by smartypants in Tech