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BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

It looks like it will be embedded in a way that can be disabled. In fact, Brave and Vivaldi have already stated FLoC will be disabled. ungoogled-chromium didn't state anything about it AFAIK, but since it disabled everything Google, it will probably disable FLoC too.


Wahaha wrote

Is there a difference between ungoogled-chromium and chromium-browser? I've got the latter in my repository (Linux Mint), but not the former.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

The difference is that ungoogled-chromium disables connections and integrations to Google. Since I have a feeling the chromium-browser Mint package might still contain those, you might need to download the package manually. I think AppImage, Debian, or the portable builds should work.


DcscZx5idox wrote (edited )

Bromite is a Chromium fork with ad blocking and enhanced privacy for Android.
This browser is disabled FLoC by default since version 90.0.4430.101.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

Bromite is only for Android, but I guess Android web browsers are missed when mentioning FLoC. Also, from what I see, CalyxOS build of Chromium either has FLoC disabled by default (and it is on version 89, by the way) or I haven't been FLoC'd. Actually, since I disabled third-party cookies, I can't be FLoC'd. And also, it doesn't look like the Calyx Institute mentioned FLoC and whenever they disabled it in their build of Chromium.