Recent comments in /f/Tech
J0yI9YUX41Wx wrote
Reply to GitLab, Valued At $6B+, Eyes Public Listing by Rambler
mr4channer wrote
Reply to Signal is down due to technical problems by Rambler
because influx of new users
1122332211 wrote
Reply to Signal is down due to technical problems by Rambler
i am sure they are adding servers and bandwidth as fast as they can. i can wait. i have tried to get my contacts to use Signal forever. Signal has the momentum now. i believe they will be back up soon.
J0yI9YUX41Wx wrote
Reply to comment by mr4channer in Windows 10 bug corrupts your hard drive on seeing this file's icon by not_bob
Tell that to the turds who set corporate policy about approved software at my work.
Rambler OP wrote
Reply to Signal is down due to technical problems by Rambler
Was working earlier, then mid-conversation it went down on my end (mobile). Get to the desk, and down on desktop as well.
Wingless wrote
Anyone posting odds the U.S. will take the same approach to any foreign internet satellites?
mr4channer wrote
switch to unix and make backups
mr4channer wrote
looks expensive
mr4channer wrote
just use altnets
KeeJef wrote
good reason to jump on Lokinet, for example ramble.loki exists ;)
mr4channer wrote
Reply to by !deleted152
xkcd is a niggerlover
AWiggerInTime wrote
that's what you get for having a central element
mr4channer wrote
it was honeypot after all
awdrifter wrote
Big Tech is probably trying to prevent people from communicating on Darknet alternatives.
Wahaha wrote
They're not wrong, but why did they leave out Microsoft? It's not like they learned their lesson. Or maybe they did and now bribe better. Who knows.
mr4channer wrote
Rambler OP wrote
Reply to comment by mr4channer in Verizon delaying shutdown of its 3G wireless network by Rambler
based, 5g = covid
3G + 2021 ... REMOVE the last 3 numbers, you get 3G + 2. That equals 5G. Illuminati confirmed. /s
mr4channer wrote
based, 5g = covid
Rambler wrote (edited )
I'd recommend everyone who wishes to participate in decentralized communication to obtain their amateur radio license, General class or Amateur Extra. (Though the entry-level technician class is a good point of entry)
With no internet or cellular connection you can literally communicate around the world. You can send packets of information that are decoded to reveal text that you read, and respond to via software.
There are some limited functionality radio based mesh nets in existence too, including email over radio.
I've sent/received basic data packets (FT8) to all 50 states, 70+ countries and all continents. These packets were sent back/forth that just contained my call sign, the recipients call sign, grid square, and things like a signal report but other digital/packet modes allow you to have full blown chat-like conversations. My favorite operating mode that no one ever wanted to use was Hellschreiber / HELL MODE:
But, FCC rules state you can't send encrypted radio traffic over the amateur airwaves. And, the FCC is known to swing the hammer of justice on people who violate the rules on the amateur airwaves as well... But I'm not for sure how they'd respond to a LOT of people doing something like this all at once for something like a large scale project. But data at most amateur frequencies is incredibly slow, even for text.
But back on the topic of traditional mesh nets: I believe NYC has a large city wide mesh net and some smaller ones localized in other areas of the country as well.
killmeplenty wrote
Reply to comment by mr4channer in Adobe Flash Player is finally laid to rest by Rambler
Rambler OP wrote
Reply to comment by Toxicant in Ticketmaster admits it hacked rival company before it went out of business by Rambler
Same. I think I spent $20 on a ticket master show like 10 years ago in a college town bar.
Toxicant wrote
I don't even go to concerts and I can't wait for ticket master to go out of business.
abralelie wrote
Reply to GitLab, Valued At $6B+, Eyes Public Listing by Rambler
This is great news! It shows that even with open source you can make a vibrant and valuable business. Just like Redhat and Canonical and probably a few other companies.