Posted by Rambler in Ramble

For starters, I'm not 100% committed to the idea. But you can convince me to do it or not to do it, that's about where I'm at currently with the idea.

IRC Network with accessibility from the clearnet, Tor, I2P, Loki and Yggdrasil networks. There'd be a #ramble channel and beyond that, I'm not sure at this point. May make a couple other permanent channels for various topics like off topic discussion.




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XANA wrote

depends how it would work


Rambler OP wrote

Same as normal, like browsing this site, you just choose which network you want to interact with when configuring your IRC client.


Wahaha wrote

I like the idea. Maybe it could bring some people back to IRC, since it seems to be dying a slow death of continued irrelevancy.


mr4channer wrote

many underground networks already do this, could be good idea