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Wahaha wrote

No single user-agent would protect your privacy anyway. What I do is to let my user-agent switch every ten minutes. Also, user-agent not only carries browser information, but also browser version and operating system.

Having scripts blocked per default also helps.

I don't mind websites knowing my user-agent is fake. I mind websites having the ability to track me based on my user-agent. Thus my user-agent changes automatically.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

I don't even change my user agent most of the time, so it just equals to what my browser is, but pretending to be Windows 10 while I actually have Windows 7, so it is Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0 currently (this is what LibreWolf does by default, btw).

So anyway, the only time the user agent differs from the defaults is when I want to enable a desktop version on mobile and when I want to bypass getting user agent blocked because I'm using Wget, so I usually just empty it (or set it to a browser user agent because it also gets blocked).

Also, since I block third party scripts with uMatrix by default, there's not much point to constantly changing the user agent because the trackers won't see it anyway.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

But I usually can enable only some of the scripts. Besides, there are probably better ways of tracking someone, like cough the FLoCing FLoC. cough

But since I don't use Chromium browsers any more, they can't actually do that, and I doubt it's coming to Firefox, unless you count its inevitable death.


vistingghost wrote

I don't want to lie about my UA but I have to change it in order to avoid Cloudflare's CAPTCHA. Cloudflare passes Tor Browser's UA for IP addresses of Tor exit nodes. Btw, Cloudflare distinguishes its users by TLS/SSL fingerprinting as well as by HTTP headers including UA. I must doubt that organizations encouraging TLS/SSL want fingerprinting more beyond security. Hey, Tor Project and EFF, don't be evil...


rianav_a wrote

That was an eye-opener. Thanks for sharing.