Directory of services that send encrypted and/or signed E-mail notifications
github.comPosted by LnWpxtqPEXyDjAH9rs27 in Privacy
Is there a better link explaining it than this blog post? Thanks for the suggestion.
As for GitHub, I know it's owned by Microsoft but I needed git where most people have an account so they can easily contribute. Apart from being owned by Microsoft, they are not behind Cloudflare, they don't use reCaptcha and you can view the README without JavaScript.
I don't know what do you not understand, it's just that having a PGP key added to your account not only makes the notifications encrypted, but they can also remove 2FA if you send a message about that signed with your PGP key. That's all.
I was just asking if there was a nonblog page. Anyways, I added it. does for merchant accounts.
Added it, thanks.
FASTMAIL not in that list?
FASTMAIL lets the account admin ENFORCE encryption on both SMTP directions , or else emil will not transmit in either direction.
It protects company intellectual property that way.
But... any singatures on payloads needs to be done on other ends.
fastmail costs a lot but its the best
The repository is not about these kinds of services. It's about websites that send you email notifications or do email support using encryption/signing. For example, if ramble has a public key, they can sign every email they send you (notifications, password resets, etc.) so you can verify you are not getting phished and the email comes from them. Or if you have sensitive info to send them, you can encrypt it before sending it, regardless if you use fastmail, posteo, tutanota, protonmail, gmail or any other email service.
This also doesn't have to be limited to email communications/notifications. If a website decides to only support notifications through XMPP or any other method, it can still apply, it's just that email is the most widely adopted.
BlackWinnerYoshi wrote
I assume this is yours, if so, you can add, a collection of software development tools, to this (Only them to you/PGP). Also, I would recommend avoiding GitHub because it's owned by Microsoft, so you can use something else, like Codeberg (clear net only), or, well, (clear net only).