Recent comments in /f/Memes
interpares wrote
Reply to America isn't that bad. by BasedPatriot
americans must hate Americans
burnerben wrote (edited )
shouldnt this be in /f/privacy or something related
Rambler OP wrote
Reply to comment by Wahaha in Tattoo Fail by Rambler
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of them either. I don't care what other people do to their body, but I've personally never thought, "she's not bad looking, but tattoos would increase her attractiveness".
I'm sure there are people who think a plain Jane 4 covered in tats is now a 7 or greater. And that's fine too. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
Wahaha wrote
Reply to Tattoo Fail by Rambler
The joke about how women with tattoos are like buildings with graffiti comes to mind. It's not better when men do it, either. Defacing your own body is pretty disturbing.
burnerben wrote
Reply to The Tendieman Comes by Seidoken
poggers if i do say so myself
Rambler wrote
Reply to The Tendieman Comes by Seidoken
Seidoken wrote
If shit ever gets real for Ramble on clearnet feel free to use my zeronet voat bunker to regroup.
There is ZeroVoat and its a better site but it takes a while to load. With the GameStop rebellion kicking off things on the clearnet are getting even crazier.
asF wrote
How many feminists want a masculine name for themselves?
riddler wrote
Reply to He's coming, Harambe! by BasedPatriot
It's way to old for Biden anyway.
Wingless wrote
Reply to Freeze Peach by Rambler
This is what every motherfucker on Facebook deserves. Sorry...
J0yI9YUX41Wx wrote
Reply to Freeze Peach by Rambler
Schadenfreude intensifies.
Wahaha wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in Freeze Peach by Rambler
I already created
Wahaha wrote
Reply to Freeze Peach by Rambler
Guess this guy was just shown the door.
Rambler OP wrote
Reply to Freeze Peach by Rambler
Didn't know where I should post this, and didn't feel like creating a forum for comical things like this.
Well, maybe he'll understand the problem a bit better now.
txt wrote
Reply to Survival Tip by Rambler
If its voluntary, its not theft. The only problem is that a tax free place doesn't exist anywhere. (Not including some tiny island or 50 acres of land in the dessert)
RambleOn wrote
Reply to No one ever suspects the grandma. by Rambler
It was the butterfly I tell you, the butterfly
ZeraAmalek wrote
Reply to comment by FreedomIncorporated in Glad our COVID relief bill is helping Americans... by Rambler
India: not if we do it first!
burnerben wrote
Reply to comment by interpares in America isn't that bad. by BasedPatriot
as an american i hate americans