The Roll-Out of Windows 11 is the Perfect Time to Decide to Switch to Linux
cheapskatesguide.orgThe roll-out of Windows 11 is the perfect time to re-evaluate your stand on Windows. Do you want to continue using an operating system that becomes more controlling and invasive every year? Do you want to continue using an operating system with annoying bugs that have existed for years, if not decades? With bugs that may never be fixed? With an operating system with such a huge attack surface that it cannot be made even relatively secure? Do you want to continue playing Microsoft's shell game, where menus and applications and terminology are constantly changing, likely solely to trick you into believing that Windows is improving somehow? Do you want to continue giving your money to a company that seems to treat you as nothing more than a faceless "consumer" to be manipulated? Or, do you want to refuse to give Microsoft any more of your money for its buggy, hard-to-use software? Might the roll-out of Windows 11 be the perfect time to bite the bullet and finally decide to switch to a better operating system?
Wahaha wrote (edited )
Win98 converted me to Linux.