Recent comments in /f/LGBT

J0yI9YUX41Wx wrote

Oh God. I hope you'll all take the time to read this article. It's a monument to politely dancing around an inconvenient truth.

“Anyone, anyone, can develop [and] spread monkeypox infection, but … many of those affected in the current global outbreak identified as gay and bisexual men.”

Yeah, anyone you have anal sex with. XD


Wahaha wrote (edited )

If you do not look for approval from other people it hardly matters. At least homosexuals only have to deal with disapproval from a few people. For me there were concerted efforts to ban/censor part of my hobby starting back in 2009 and they've been succeeding.


Wahaha wrote

It's pretty simple. No straight guy wants to look at gay porn featuring men. And since the only difference between gay and straight men is the sexuality part, the only reason to draw attention to this difference is sexual.

So there's no surprise in the rejection received. If you don't reduce yourself to your sexuality, neither will anyone else. You may get called a faggot, but you also may get called a motherfucker. Both are curse words not to be taken literally.


Wahaha wrote

Persecution complex, much? If I tell someone that they are a niggerfaggot and have to go back to reddit, that's because of something they did, not because of something they are.

I don't care who you are. I only care about what you do. And getting all offended over perceived slights against your identity to the point of shouting it out in a post bodes ill.

What's even the point of sharing your identity on a privacy focussed platform even if it's just your sexual one? I don't see what benefit this brings, other than attention whoring.


Rambler admin wrote (edited )

[RAMBLE]'s official stance: Live and let live. Be who you are, unapologetically.

If people are offended by this or any content on here, just don't sub and use the "hide this forum" feature and you won't see it's content in "All" and you can live happily and ignorantly in bliss.