Posted by abralelie in I2P

In case you don't know MuWire is a LimeWire offshoot for I2P. And if you don't know what LimeWire is, it's comparable to a torrent client with an embedded search. It doesn't use torrents, but another protocol.

/u/zlatinb (don't know if he's here) is the writer and afaik, it's directly included in the I2P router and also has a docker image so you can run it on a machine that's separate from your I2P router.



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Rambler wrote

It's pretty cool, but just make sure you upload your files through the browser via the drag/drop function and not direct to your server via FTP (they won't show up as uploads in MuWire).

I have crappy net so I don't really download or share anything but I've poked around and uploaded some ebooks about ham radio and building log cabins or something as a test.


not_bob wrote

I've used the plugin and standalone. Both do what they say they do. Downloads are slow. But, that's to be expected.


abralelie OP wrote

Does it bring back LimeWire, Napster, Kazaa, WinMX, etc. vibes?

Are there any bugs you've encountered?


not_bob wrote

Yeah, it's similar. Though, it's just a file sharing program. Nothing amazing at this point. But, it does work and it's i2p specific. It's likely got the most files of any of the i2p file sharing programs out there.


AWiggerInTime wrote

I tried 0.7.something and it didn't wanna work for shit, but apparently it runs fine now.


RAMBLE1 wrote

Best file-sharing, messages and IRC chat server.