Recent comments in /f/Conspiracy
Rambler wrote
Reply to Idiocracy is here. by MrBlack
Get your vaccine next to the limited time clearance Masung 72" TV's and then quench your thirst with an ice cold glass of diabetes.
Rambler wrote (edited )
Reply to MUTILAÇÃO DE GADO by bagaaht234
Que? Não entendo. Fazer o que com os animais?
burnerben wrote
Reply to Why can't we all just get along? by kaaronw666
hes really not wrong
burnerben wrote (edited )
Reply to by WarmPotato
he's homies with Epstein lmao surreeeee
Rambler OP wrote
Reply to UPDATE: Wikipedia Repeatedly Scrubs All Evidence of Jen Psaki’s Brother’s Position as Portfolio Manager at Citadel 5 TIMES IN A ROW While Twitter and Reddit Get Caught Shadow Banning All Discussion (IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS) by Rambler
I've not read it all, but we needed some new conspiracy content on here.
MrBlack OP wrote
Reply to comment by Wahaha in Whats the deal with Q-anon? I always thought it was some 4chan meme and never paid attention to it but the media sure loves talking about it now. by MrBlack
I always thought 'Q' was a person who claimed to be some Washington insider on 4chan. Isn't that how it started? Somehow it became a group and the newest media boogyman but I always associated 'Q' with 4chan and therefore didn't take it serious.
burnerben wrote
Reply to comment by riddler in Whats the deal with Q-anon? I always thought it was some 4chan meme and never paid attention to it but the media sure loves talking about it now. by MrBlack
i agree completely with the blm stuff. but back to Q from what i undestand there the antifa of the right just imbred and lacking a education. not saying either are good i hate all radicals.
riddler wrote
Reply to comment by Wahaha in Whats the deal with Q-anon? I always thought it was some 4chan meme and never paid attention to it but the media sure loves talking about it now. by MrBlack
I always saw them as a group of retards
I don't know if they were dumb or just blinded by hope. It was a pleasant thought. The idea that qtards could just wait and do nothing for four years and suddenly everything would be resolved.
If they had a real leader then many problems could likely have been peacefully resolved. A real leader would have instructed followers to go be poll watchers and record everything. Record all the MSM sites posting live election updates. Protest everywhere the deep state congregates.
That being said, anyone who still believes in Q is a retard. All predictions turned out false. It's time for people to organize and try to find their own little ways to oppose this mess. Right now and for the foreseeable future, there will not be a leader for the anti-deepstate people.
After Trump abandoned his followers on Jan 6, I'd also say supporting Trump is a waste. He didn't have to support the people breaking windows and attacking cops (could have been false flag). He just had to say most of the people there were non-violent protesters. They had more right to protest congress than any BLM had to destroy small businesses throughout the country.
Wahaha wrote
Reply to Whats the deal with Q-anon? I always thought it was some 4chan meme and never paid attention to it but the media sure loves talking about it now. by MrBlack
Don't know too much, but when they fled to Voat a few years ago, basically everyone made fun of them, so I always saw them as a group of retards. Nothing they did changed this image.
Media loves to pick on retards with opposing political views, so that checks out.
StreetMix wrote
Reply to comment by SmokeyMeadow in Parler is a honeypot. by MrBlack
Facebook. Blocked my profile one day and asked to provide an ID to confirm.
Rambler wrote
Reply to Parler is a honeypot. by MrBlack
And now all the information has leaked:
txt wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in Parler is a honeypot. by MrBlack
A giant list of marketing data.\
- Phone numbers
- Drivers licenses (Verified users)
- Ages (A lot of fake data)
- A ton of user content
Thats a lot of data. They also have similar data for democrat trolls.\
Rambler wrote
Reply to Parler is a honeypot. by MrBlack
Looks like Parler is down now, Amazon must have pulled the plug. Wonder if they'll try to recoup some of their losses by selling their collected data to the highest bidder. Definitely going to be some folks who want a big detailed list of conservatives...
MrBlack OP wrote
Reply to comment by SmokeyMeadow in Parler is a honeypot. by MrBlack
Yeah that's insane.
SmokeyMeadow wrote
Reply to Parler is a honeypot. by MrBlack
I've never heard of a site demanding a copy of your ID to get verified, but Parler apparently does. They can get fucked hard.
mr4channer wrote
Reply to "Just create your own site" - Okay by Rambler
For android they could just use apks, for itoy = rip.
Rambler OP wrote
Reply to comment by riddler in "Just create your own site" - Okay by Rambler
An now Amazon is terminating Parler's hosting. I've always thought Parler was a honeypot, but maybe this is evidence that it wasn't.
Oh shit, they are?
Guess they can just colo some hardware or rent a fleet of dedicated servers. I'm not 'into' Parler but I support what it is. They should be allowed to exist, 110%.
Crazy world man. I wonder how much resources a site like that uses. Probably save them some money to just buy the hardware, rent a rack to colocate it in a datacenter because most DC's dont give a flying fuck what you're doing within reason since they're just providing the cabinet space, network connections and power/cooling. Not like the actual upstream bandwidth providers care, either.
riddler wrote
Reply to "Just create your own site" - Okay by Rambler
An now Amazon is terminating Parler's hosting. I've always thought Parler was a honeypot, but maybe this is evidence that it wasn't.
mr4channer wrote
Reply to Conspiracy Theories that turned out to be true by Wahaha
idiot, give me a list
DefenderOfTruth wrote
Reply to Predictions for 2021? by Rambler
I believe our freedoms are going to continue to be systematically taken away in the name of “health” and “safety.”
Many of my friends and family seem to think this viral fraud will just disappear, but the elite (whoever you think they are) are not going to waste this crisis. It worked better than they expected and will be the segue into the one world order they so desperately desire.
I put my hope in Christ, so I’m frustrated by what I see coming, but believe a reshuffling of power has to happen to get us to the end of the age.
Wahaha wrote
Under what definition of conspiracy are you operating, here? The Volkswagen thing at position 99 for example, that was simple fraud, wasn't it?
boobs wrote
Reply to comment by txt in She's a keeper. by Rambler
sure, now should he be taken literally? no. he's an entertainer not the fucking pope.
txt wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in She's a keeper. by Rambler
Thats false. There satanists, not demons.
spc50 wrote
Reply to Idiocracy is here. by MrBlack
Make Idiocracy Fiction Again!