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EventHorizon67 wrote

Too many whites today are scared to death of a simple 6 letter word (RACIST) Whites have given power over the word Racist Becase so many fear being called racist , what they dont realize is if they are white they are already labeld as racist behind there backs so all that tip toeing around like slaves to a word is for nothing ! I refuse to let that word or any other word have power over my life!!


Rambler OP wrote

What YouTube has that others don't is content. I can't use any alternative as a daily-driver like I can with YouTube. Can't find the music I want, obscure videos on how to replace a random part on an old Mercedes car, or reviews on solar inverters or stand up comedy bits, etc.

The alternative platforms seemingly only shine in hosting content that YouTube doesn't allow. Unfortunately, until they also host content that YouTube does allow they'll never be a normal, mainstream alternative.

So that's why I use Invidious, to at least watch the content that I do like (hosted on YouTube) in a more private way.


whitestar wrote (edited )

I try to use Peertube and Odysee instead of Youtube because I don´t believe the solution to Youtube tracking is to play cat and mouse with Google, the solution is to have an alternative platform that respects privacy and freespeech, but lots of valuable content can be found in Youtube and sometims I still have to visit so thank you for the proxy.


Wahaha wrote

No, I don't care enough. My point is that the tool is designed in a way to fish more passwords and the moment you "check" your password with the tool, you have to change it anyway, so there's no point in doing so in the first place.

Also, why would anyone download hundreds of gigabytes to check whether their password is compromised, if one could also just update their password?