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NotQball wrote (edited by a moderator )

One of these days, maybe you can post a tutorial for i2p with KickSecure. For some reason that OS did not agree with me and commited suicide.

There is a EEE standard, NIST standard and I speculate there is a DIN (German) standard for this situation. For a while there was even a YubiKey for that but it disapear from the market. I was stupid enough to have a known acolite order it for me and arrived backdoored and damaged. Quantum computers have been around since at least late 1980's and were called TriState. Some people were recruiting at that time to work in that field.

The TriState computers were used extensively by US spies but once the Soviets fell the rusky started to sell the location data (unique electromagnetic signature) and the need for Tor ensued. The last failed attempt to use TriState for spies was the Turkey coup against Erdogan. That is how Turkey knew the "exact" location of the participants and most likely the names (Gyudem or something was the leader).

Currently a lot of US government employees and contractors use a Quantum boot. USB key that allows a regular computer to be booted externally from a TriState computer. You do NOT want to use that crap from your home... It is open season after from China-man, Ruskies etc. I do know of some sorry ass cases of people who make environment assessments or pollution assessments that MADE THAT BIG MISTAKE.

If you have that KickSecure tutorial for I2P that does NOT endanger your activities please post it.


NotQball wrote

The "Oregon Trail" approach to health and immigration has been tested for 2+ million years. If you can cross on foot the Darien Gap, walk accross Central America in the summer heat, swim accross the finish line and are able to survive afterwards... you don't need vaccines.

The slaver mind, mobster city lover and Farmer Bill think crap. They are the greatest impedement to a healthy environment. I'm not a purist but things got completely out of hand.


NotQball wrote

That might be your only choice for a while. Eating from the trash can. You can call him The Food or El Papa. I don't get involved in Organized Crime selection but the Dark Kunt can't set her internal clock to 7:11 on the dot. It is like in the old silent movies when you got tied to railroad track and saw the train approaching.


cumlord wrote

Reply to The Postman by z3d

look what the wolves dragged in ;)

my posty's gonna need more chipmunks


Saint_Cuthbert OP wrote

It's thought that most western countries will have their populations cut in half by the end of the century. Autism and various illnesses have been increasing as vaccines increase - but I'm completely 100% convinced that there is not a relation whatsoever. How could injecting oneself with unknown chemicals have any kind of negative reaction?

There is a viral video of "Farmer Bill" discussing using vaccines to contribute to the depopulation agendas. The World Economic Forum wants to cut the world population to 500,000,000, and Billy has already put sterilizing agents into vaccines he's handed out in Africa back in the 90s.


NotQball wrote

For vaccine theories I differ to Farmer Bill the undisputed expert in Global Warming and Vaccines. What I know is that the overall the human population is in KYAG mode (kiss your ass goodbye). The topic is complex and some good points were made. The solutions presented most likely have limited use, might work in some cases but not work in other. Predicting how the cookie crumbles is not possible.


cumlord wrote

Pretty much. tor is comparatively centralized and a lot more high profile than i2p. Fingerprinting is the thing that scares me the most, there's lots of identifiable metrics. Also instructive to look at how people have gotten deanon in the past but it doesn't anticipate the future or current capabilities. I'd think they'd spend the most energy targeting or trying to compromise high value targets/individuals like marketplaces/admins for the intel they could attain over a long period and we would be none the wiser. even if they don't have a big picture view of everything right now there's lots of tools that can be used to focus in on something of interest. I guess a good defense is to not be of interest.


Saint_Cuthbert OP wrote

There are only some odd-thousand tor nodes out there. For a powerful adversary to run many of them doesn't seem too unbelievable (50 cent army). They may not be able to hire someone to watch each and every node al the time, but they could possibly automate the process with artificial intelligence.

The Whonix documentation discusses how Tor users can be fingerprinted by their typing speed, among other things. And remember that it wasn't public knowledge that emails and phone calls could be tracked on a large scale until somewhat recently. In The Art of War is says to make your enemy think that you're weak when you're strong and strong when you're weak.


cumlord wrote

I've always assumed that it's monitored to some degree. Not like all tor users can be monitored clearly at all times, but from the aspect that running tor doesn't make you nsa proof. nothing does, but it does a good job at making you blend in, so when i want to look like everyone else and not do something identifiable, tor doesn't seem so bad. i think that's probably it's best use case, when what you chose to do with it would be like a needle in a haystack identifying you, but it can't correct for user error.

good to see new people interested in this kind of stuff even if they show you they just logged into their bank account with tor. they got the right spirit i guess.


NotQball wrote

The Official router does block through TOR traffic. It is an OK decision since it is an entry level router. I rarely test that version. The truth is that you do not want a lot of traffic over 30% (varies depending on conditions) through slower networks: satellite, ygg, flokinet some cell, modems, some VPNs. It does help with security but at a cost. Don't be stupid... in theory some entry guard may be able to block you unless you use your own servers. Again: If your threat model dictates it don't hesitate!


NotQball wrote

The expert with the Reno 911 secret service protection... The chances of this being true are abysmal. He should hire people that can do checklists:

  1. Check on adjacent roof (check mark).
  2. Police frequencies scanner ON (check mark). ... I saw some Actor/Acting Politician that after practicing hard in a mirror said "We have to make some changes. If we have to fire some people, will do it". I doubt that piece of crap understand his job description. Stupidity critical mass. The only difference is how the cookie crumbles.

NotQball wrote

I did NOT monitor TOR the same way as i2p. There are some obvious "concessions"/sell-outs. I do NOT want to open THAT can of worms. What is obvious:

  1. Bad crappers: some entry guards and some exit nodes. These guys sell your data even from browsing ebay and Amazon. That desperate.
  2. In MY OPINION Tor Browser is mediocre...
  3. If you run YOUR OWN Tor servers and i2p routers (plural), despite of what you heard, SOME i2p traffic through Tor will help you out with TOR. You NEED 2 KNOW what you are doing on both networks and have some monitoring tools. This is for people in dire situations with enough knowledge of both networks. It is more of a problem for i2p than TOR. Don't make me sorry that I brought it up!

NotQball wrote

I do use retroshare but I do change ID's often. Sometimes it is a just one use only. It is very useful and recommended software but you can't be a sitting duck.