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NotQball wrote

The Law Firm that I use once in a decade uses Proton VPN and Proton email. It is more of an advertising gimmick. I offered, I rarely do for this profession, to set them up, but they refused saying it will make them a target. I personally did not have any luck setting a free account or it was closed in a few days. I would be very careful with any Swiss claims in general... bullshit is their way of living.


NotQball wrote

This is more sinister than it sounds. I currently don't have a cellphone for this very reason. I was able in the past to make hardware and software changes to cellphone to greatly reduce the tracking ability of service providers. One of the problems is that once you start roaming your service gets shut down and in some cases the phone is locked because the next guys don't make enough money from you. It is a jungle out there and really the solutions are cost and time consuming. I don't believe slavers can be reformed under the current conditions. These people are descendants of Sugar and Cotton slavers. Maybe somebody can explain to me why a Sugar Slaver is called a Sugar Baron.


NotQball OP wrote

The story would not be complete without the side effects which I personally experienced.

When I graduated the prestigious Burger Flip University the top 10% could not find jobs. The bottom 40% were employed at 6x the minimum wage before the last day of class. The rest was a mixed bag. I eventually found a workaholic which offered 2.5x minimum with an agreement that I would not leave for 1 year. He offered that to a lot of briliant people. It was not enough to pay student loans so a lot of people turned to drug dealing on the side. Nobody was ever caught and nobody got addicted. After another such experience at 4.5 x minimum I became a hired gun... which turned up OK and fited my lifestyle.


PrivacyOsint OP wrote

Yes it works when dockerized. In the upcoming week I will be making a blog post at blog.itcomputes.i2p. I have updated everything and started using tailscale to expose the port on the mesh network locally. It is the same for tor and i2p. I was having to many issues so I waited to figure it out fully then google started blocking my / banning my ips. Right now I finished my search2.itcomputes.i2p searxng, working on many projects atm.

Email me if have any questions be then: privacyosint@mail.i2p/


NotQball wrote

There is a RIGHT 2 REPAIR movement. Car companies are aware that customers would choose that Right over some crap data that cops might get. PC Magazine is crap and does not mention what data the cops got. Most car companies are also aware of the term "to much data" when they tried 2 switch 2 "just in time production" without warehouses. I know so much about the industry that I put this story into the DECEPTION category.


righttoprivacy OP wrote (edited )

Interesting. Will have to look into this rumor given the unprecedented banning of tiktok happening.

Everyone keeps asking him to buy everything since they like Twitter -- for now. I think it will become open to more restricted as user dependence increases. Or maybe it will slowly be filled with AI bots to shape user mindset (oops, too late!). ;)

Seems once in the US... Lobbyists get their claws into everything commercial.


righttoprivacy wrote (edited )

Nice - Another I really like is Netsurf:

But may have to check this one out for fun.

Example: lower resource devices like Pinephone / single board computers, these lightweight options can be quite nice.

Another one that has comparable features to firefox (and its own options) is Falkon:

As someone who ran i2p browsing set up on (original / beta) Pinephone as main phone for a few years (til screen broke), finding something lightweight enhances pinephone user experience quite a bit, compared to FF ( ram hog).

Thanks for sharing this new option (new for me anyway). :)


NotQball wrote

The police would pay to much to get that data from cell phone companies, insurance companies etc. I guess the car lobby did not pay the dues to them locusts. It appears that Tesla might be the new Tik Tok silent owner but I don't really know all the details. Blinken went to cosign that lower tit yaughurt... Maybe you are better informed on the subject.


NotQball wrote

For his situation it is a wonderful idea. For me it is a terrible ideea. I doubt that you want to be in his shoes at the current time. Go see a Taylor Swift concert or watch House of Russia. Very few uninitiated on this network.


NotQball wrote (edited by a moderator )

Considering the goggles, I would say you were watching the eclipse or picked up welding. I'm going to look into the Snark thing next month. Until than it makes a great reseed along with the official (waiting for a brain transplant list) update. To understand that you cut your vacation short because the network is running great... don't worry is not your fault.


GeorgeConstanza wrote

Me and my German friends will like to offer you a toast: Prost! The point was that you were tracked. There is an iconic casino close by. Abstein from posting faces with locations. License plates another no-no.

There are 2 networks that encourage you to sell yourself with your friends and familly, no point in using i2p if you are "prost". Search for the kosher slaver and rice eating yellow belly roach.