Recent comments

awdrifter wrote

Reply to by impulkitss

That's great and all, but just like the Gorilla Glass 5 claiming to be able to survive a hip level drop, I seriously doubt it. Just put a screen protector on it and call it good. I have a Samsung S8+ that was Gorilla Glass 5 and it still scratch and shattered on the corner. I've been using a TPU screen protector on my phones since then, so problems so far. When the screen protector gets too damaged or starts peeling I just replace it.


awdrifter wrote (edited )

That's great and all, but just like the Gorilla Glass 5 claiming to be able to survive a hip level drop, I seriously doubt it. Just put a screen protector on it and call it good. I have a Samsung S8+ that was Gorilla Glass 5 and it still scratch and shattered on the corner. I've been using a TPU screen protector on my phones since then, so problems so far. When the screen protector gets too damaged or starts peeling I just replace it.


MiXYsFHYS1tt3St3 wrote

Kind of a straw man, some retarted people will use this but most draw on the past. They assume a machine gun ban is "sensible" and push that line as far as they can.

It's ridiculous they're even arguing about "what is a bump stock" when I should be able to have a room full of m4's and ak47's!

"shall not be infringed" is pretty clear, but the argument has shifted to "shall not be infringed THIS MUCH"

It's a disgusting power grab from elites playing the long game. Only through anarchy can freedom prevail, I'm trying to start a cult MiXYsFHYS1tt3St3.i2p for info MiXYsFHYS1tt3St3@mail.i2p for questions.

I have a 3d printer and am working towards a cnc mill

But yeah, it's not the ridiculous musket people we really need to fear, it's the slow erosion of rights because the true 2A got eroded away. It's a game in which they make the rules. Don't play their game. Start vyour own.

Funny post though!


MiXYsFHYS1tt3St3 wrote

here here, Micheal Malice's "The Anarchist Handbook" will give you intellectual ammo for those with open minds. (me and 3 others are seeding it on i2psnark. Only the audio book is availiable in i2p at this time)

William Powell's "The anarchist cookbook" (availiable to read on my eepsite MiXYsFHYS1tt3St3.i2p ) will inform you of methods for those more closed minded and powerful.

trust breeds power breeds cooruption ....everytime. we must reduce our dependancy (quit cigarrettes, self-sustinance, ect.) and increase our independance (good gun's, good training <---- this cannot be emphasized enough)


MiXYsFHYS1tt3St3 wrote

Reply to Guns are Bad by Wahaha

I disagree adamantly, you should make your graph on your eepsite so we can open it ...... to tear it apart of course. I imagine those are nations, or cherrypicked states on the x axis, and "gun deaths" (probably lumping in suiciude and accidents as well) on the y but idk.

Guns are used defensively far more than offensively, this is backed by numerous studies; some even by anti-gun bias outlets.


chovy wrote (edited )

What software are we using here, is it on github? I really like these forums.


takeheart wrote

And having known some people with special needs, any random stranger calling them the r-word

Retarded do not face challenge by default, society forces a bunch of challenges on them, challenges they never asked for. Raping retarded politely and gently does no honor to anyone. Digging up Evangelion mistranslation to rape retarded gently by reminding them of their challenged status makes some ridiculous perversion, don't you think?


Rambler wrote

Sorry for the inconvenience. This is done on purpose because of the amount of abuse, spam registrations and posts that happens through Tor.

In the meantime, please consider using I2P or Yggdrasil if you'd like to also post from an alternative network. Tor is on time-out until we can figure out a way to make it not just a ripe avenue of abuse and spam. =/