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awdrifter wrote
Reply to Marching for what you stand for by Wahaha
Like many things in life, all work no play makes people go crazy. Beer and wine helps people relax.
Zenen OP wrote
Reply to comment by BlueHat in RINA is a cutting-edge standard aiming to replace the entire TCP/IP stack by Zenen
Yea, it seems like a pretty huge paradigm shift from where we're at right now. I'm assuming it's not an either/or solution, hopefully we find some solution where both can be used concurrently.
BlueHat wrote
Never heard of it before.
TCP/IP seems to be omnipresent. No idea how something can attempt at replacing it.
Zenen wrote
I like it! I hope it doesn't cause some 21st century version of the Dust Bowl though
Zenen OP wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in Thanks for hosting this site! by Zenen
that's an impressive flex - thanks for doing good stuff with your powers
awdrifter wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in Thanks for hosting this site! by Zenen
Wow, that's good to know.
smallpond wrote
Nah, you're still focusing on skin color, perhaps because your brain's not as big as you claim. Trying to separate nature from nuture is complex, and there may be much better ways to group people than just race/skin. But then all the failures who have nothing going for them apart from white skin couldn't feel superior about something.
Wahaha wrote
Reply to comment by spektor in Update to site wide rules by smallpond
Just talk to the people who spend years going to Africa to build infrastructure and schools to teach them and see what they have to say about this. They are mostly incapable of being schooled and they tend to destroy the stuff you build for them.
If a country is a shithole, it's because of the people living in that country. Africa is pretty much the jackpot as far as continents go. No harsh winters and there's plenty of everything. When white Europeans used to live there it was ancient Egypt and a prosperous civilization. The places with white Europeans are still prosperous civilizations.
There is no magic earth. It's all the people. Hundreds of years a go a German dude (Johann August Sutter) went to California and made a prosperous settlement inside of a desert by redirecting mountain water.
Wahaha OP wrote
That's pretty much what the mass media is doing, yeah. You're still doing the skin color deflection, too. The talking point isn't skin color but phenotype. Or race. People are not predisposed to certain behavior because of the color of their skin, but because of their race. And even then you are going to have outliers in either direction.
But we are talking genetics here, not social factors, so even if you have an outlier, their children and grandchildren are going to return to the mean.
So you get stuff like the following where the child of someone trying to make a living destroys their living space (he got his phone taken away as a disciplinary measure, I hear), because he's unable to deal with the higher level of aggression typical for his race: (Mirror:
This then translates into higher likelihood for violent crime once he gets older. Of course, if there was a father in his live he could teach him and maybe avoid the worst case scenario. Maybe. Low IQ coupled with high aggression makes for an unfortunate starting point in life.
Especially when put in a normal school class that expects you to be something you are not. So it's unsurprising that low IQ children tune out of school and do something else with their life. They still want a place to belong where they can respect for the things they do. And if they are naturally prone to high level of aggression you get gangs that fight each other. If you are not naturally prone to this you might escape into video games.
The root problem is that school fails both high and low IQ children. If the place we force children to spend most of their day was actually a place they could feel they belong to, where they could get respect for the things they do, then things wouldn't be this bad.
But high IQ children get bored with school. You can't feel respected when you solve problems that are way below you. It feels suffocating. Like people take you for an idiot. And low IQ children get overwhelmed. You can't feel respected when you are unable to solve any of the problems given to you, either. No matter how hard you try.
Rambler wrote
Reply to comment by awdrifter in Thanks for hosting this site! by Zenen
I also own the ISP that hosts this site. Our policies aren't changing anytime soon.
Wahaha wrote
There are exceptions
So we can't generalize, but let's generalize in the title for clickbait anyway.
Study after study indicates running rarely causes or exacerbates arthritis in most runners’ knees
Even if it is rare and thus only affects some runners, it's a bit disingenuous to essentially say "hey, only some people get cancer from smoking and smoking is actually strengthening your lungs".
recruited 82 middle-aged, first-time racers [..] most of their first scans showed signs of incipient joint injuries, including cartilage tears and bone-marrow lesions, any of which could be early steps toward arthritis.
The wisdom I know from health professionals is that running is fucking up your legs and that you should train by doing fast walks instead.
But this simmering damage had been partially reversed by training
Yeah, training is good, but running is doing damage. Do fast walks.
awdrifter wrote
Reply to Thanks for hosting this site! by Zenen
Enjoy it while it last. If Ramble ever gets too big, they'll get bought out/threatened/servers pulled.
smallpond wrote
Well, that's the thing about the internet, we can all pretend to be anything we want. Well done on your new huge brain.
Now that you're not stupid, it's clear to you how easily the majority of people can be mislead by bad faith actors presenting simplified incorrect science. Without your inferiority complex you have no need to bolster your ego by pretending that being white somehow makes you superior to other people. You now have the brainpower to consider people as individuals rather than placing them in skin coloured boxes.
spektor wrote
Reply to comment by Wahaha in Update to site wide rules by smallpond
That isn't science as such. That's an opinion that might explain why there are countries that don't seemingly do as well.
Wahaha wrote
Reply to comment by spektor in Update to site wide rules by smallpond
Dude, it's genetics. There is no such thing as magic earth. Shit people create shithole countries. Simple as that.
spektor wrote
Reply to comment by Wahaha in Update to site wide rules by smallpond
Racial? Cultural? Environmental? All factors to that outcome.
Wahaha wrote
Reply to comment by spektor in Update to site wide rules by smallpond
It's just that even the richest black people commit more violent crime than the poorest of white folks.
Wahaha OP wrote
As far as math goes, I was top of class. Not that it matters much. That's the neat thing about science. You don't need to be especially smart to get the basics and as long as someone else outlines the higher level stuff it's not that difficult to follow along.
Making science into dogma is stupid.
Wahaha wrote
I never stopped using self-hosted mail. Been using it for about 20 years now and it works fine for me.
smallpond wrote
Without the brainpower to evaluate concepts independently, that's all you have. Sad thing is, whichever tribe you choose, you'll still be wrong.
You never did say how you did at math back at school - you know, when your ability to understand simple scientific concepts was tested objectively...
spektor wrote
Reply to comment by Wahaha in Update to site wide rules by smallpond
Murders of a particular race can be correlated with many factors--perhaps say poverty or drug usage or even extreme wealth or lately "being a rich Russian billionaire." Why those factors exist might be spiritual, economic, self-caused, other-caused, or a whole slew of sociao-political reasons. The bottom line is, if you want to see it as race alone, that's how you are going to see it, but that isn't really science talking. More likely, it is some "liberal academic conditoning" talking, which often masquerades as science.
Wahaha wrote
Reply to comment by spektor in Update to site wide rules by smallpond
You have to be blind to not see the correlation with the race:
smallpond wrote
No, you may not have the intelligence to grasp many scientific concepts - let alone verify them.
Climate change has proceeded just as predicted:
You are lost, without the tools to tell truth from lies.
Wahaha OP wrote
Reply to comment by awdrifter in Marching for what you stand for by Wahaha
Yeah, but think of the children!