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Without the brainpower to evaluate concepts independently, that's all you have. Sad thing is, whichever tribe you choose, you'll still be wrong.

You never did say how you did at math back at school - you know, when your ability to understand simple scientific concepts was tested objectively...


OP wrote

As far as math goes, I was top of class. Not that it matters much. That's the neat thing about science. You don't need to be especially smart to get the basics and as long as someone else outlines the higher level stuff it's not that difficult to follow along.

Making science into dogma is stupid.



Well, that's the thing about the internet, we can all pretend to be anything we want. Well done on your new huge brain.

Now that you're not stupid, it's clear to you how easily the majority of people can be mislead by bad faith actors presenting simplified incorrect science. Without your inferiority complex you have no need to bolster your ego by pretending that being white somehow makes you superior to other people. You now have the brainpower to consider people as individuals rather than placing them in skin coloured boxes.


OP wrote

That's pretty much what the mass media is doing, yeah. You're still doing the skin color deflection, too. The talking point isn't skin color but phenotype. Or race. People are not predisposed to certain behavior because of the color of their skin, but because of their race. And even then you are going to have outliers in either direction.

But we are talking genetics here, not social factors, so even if you have an outlier, their children and grandchildren are going to return to the mean.

So you get stuff like the following where the child of someone trying to make a living destroys their living space (he got his phone taken away as a disciplinary measure, I hear), because he's unable to deal with the higher level of aggression typical for his race: (Mirror:

This then translates into higher likelihood for violent crime once he gets older. Of course, if there was a father in his live he could teach him and maybe avoid the worst case scenario. Maybe. Low IQ coupled with high aggression makes for an unfortunate starting point in life.

Especially when put in a normal school class that expects you to be something you are not. So it's unsurprising that low IQ children tune out of school and do something else with their life. They still want a place to belong where they can respect for the things they do. And if they are naturally prone to high level of aggression you get gangs that fight each other. If you are not naturally prone to this you might escape into video games.

The root problem is that school fails both high and low IQ children. If the place we force children to spend most of their day was actually a place they could feel they belong to, where they could get respect for the things they do, then things wouldn't be this bad.

But high IQ children get bored with school. You can't feel respected when you solve problems that are way below you. It feels suffocating. Like people take you for an idiot. And low IQ children get overwhelmed. You can't feel respected when you are unable to solve any of the problems given to you, either. No matter how hard you try.



Nah, you're still focusing on skin color, perhaps because your brain's not as big as you claim. Trying to separate nature from nuture is complex, and there may be much better ways to group people than just race/skin. But then all the failures who have nothing going for them apart from white skin couldn't feel superior about something.


OP wrote

It is you that is coming back to skin color again and again. What a racist you are.