Recent comments
Wingless wrote
Reply to comment by smartypants in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
That sounds like the classic "this isn't child porn ... it's just a natural number in base two."
takeheart wrote
I guess it's the end, it was fun couple of months, but when admin doesn't care and invites police for takeover, I ain't gonna stay to see the same shit unfolding again. Naturally, I'm not blaming you, your own life should always take priority. Take care.
awdrifter wrote
Man, I miss CGRUndertow. It was rushed reviews if you can even call it that, but it was an entertaining take on video games.
Wahaha wrote
Reply to comment by smartypants in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
Any sources to read up on that?
smartypants OP wrote
Reply to comment by Wingless in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
SInce 2017 for their Animojis, lots of links. But now in 2021 they use pupil and gaze track to dim screen, and encode 3d faces to cloud. They call the 30,000 plotted 3d pixels... NOT A PHOTO in court documents, when they can be trivially used to make a accurate photo from the 30,000 plotted points.
smartypants OP wrote
Reply to comment by Wahaha in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
SInce 2017 for their Animojis, lots of links. But now in 2021 they use pupil and gaze track to dim screen, and encode 3d faces to cloud.
smartypants OP wrote
Reply to comment by TallestSkil in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
They did, often since 2017, scan faces for 30,000 data points in 3d FOR EMOTION TRACKING in Animojis in 2017 and later, but now in 2021 they do it on home screen and measure pupil and study gaze direction.
Learn and read. Lots of links support all I just typed.
awdrifter wrote
Fuck that localization. This is why Nintendo is not any better than Sony IMO. I have accepted the fact that games developed from 2018 and on will be heavily censored. The SJWs has infiltrated the gaming industry too deep, it's like cancer taking over the functioning organs. They only thing we can do at this point is to wait for the gaming industry to crash, then the SJWs will move on to another bigger target (hopefully) and gaming will be the niche hobby that won't attract mainstream attention.
Hopefully when the rebirth happens, the devs are smart enough to implement Region Lock again. I learned Japanese to watch anime and play JRPG, SJWs and game urinalists aren't going to do that, combined with Region Locked game that requires you to either import the game and console from Japan or to find a jailbreakable console, the attention to these games will be much less.
podnas wrote
Id be happy to lend a hand on the site or any admin/site resiliency etc.. let me know!
BlackWinnerYoshi wrote
Reply to comment by AWiggerInTime in DuckDuckGo v3 onion by vistingghost
The v2 onion still works, but might cease to after 2021-10-15, when v2 stops working after an update.
AWiggerInTime OP wrote
Reply to Hundred Rabbits by AWiggerInTime
I just got lost on their page for like 2 hours.
The site itself is well-made, the articles interesting (damn, now I want a boat too) and Devine is probably the only person on the planet using Plan 9 as his daily driver (nevertheless, based).
AWiggerInTime wrote
Have you tried scripting it? (i.e if the VM goes down then the script connects via VNC or whatever you're using and inputs the passwords)
Rambler OP wrote
Reply to comment by Wahaha in I'm still here. Anyone want to help grow the site? by Rambler
Did we even have spam and/or illegal stuff recently? ..does piracy count as illegal stuff?
Woops, I should have clarified. We've been the target of a couple random raids. One, from Voat, (because shortly after a new Voat member posted this: and other similar stuff.
Piracy and stuff is fine. I just mean removing obvious spam, and obvious ultra illegal stuff like CP or posts about specific threats of violence, as well as posts asking for or offering illegal goods. This site is not a dark net marketplace. My provider has made it clear that linking TO suck marketplaces are okay and I believe some links already exist in that regards.
AWiggerInTime wrote (edited )
Reply to DuckDuckGo v3 onion by vistingghost
Finally. They had that v2 onion for years and couldn't be bothered to flip that one switch to make it v3.
Does it even work? I stopped using the v2 onion after it died for like a year or something.
div1337 wrote
Or just use something like
div1337 wrote
Reply to One line of bash let's me see the covers of all my media and lets me select from them making use of sxiv. Who needs Netflix or Steam when you can have this? by Wahaha
Crafting a bash script is very satisfying, especially one liner chained bash command.
div1337 wrote (edited )
Reply to HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
A connected device keeps scanning you and your surrounding (and no mean to switch it off according to posts in apple forum) ... it sounds dodgy as. If Apple isn't spying on its users, it is not yet.
TallestSkil wrote
Reply to comment by Wingless in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
Imagine being so fucking jewish that you believe anything you described is moral, legal, or even remotely acceptable from a business perspective.
TallestSkil wrote
Reply to comment by kaaksikoon in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
lol no, they don’t do that.
TallestSkil wrote
Reply to HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
partly admits
They admitted nothing. It’s not happening. You’re just libeling.
burnerben wrote
Reply to comment by kaaksikoon in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
ive been sucked into their ecosystem for so long idk if i can get out of it
burnerben wrote
Reply to comment by BlackWinnerYoshi in I'm still here. Anyone want to help grow the site? by Rambler
i was freaked out
kaaksikoon wrote
Reply to comment by burnerben in HOLY SHIT!!! Apple secretly constantly taking photos of face when phone held and active every 5 seconds and uses INFRARED and got caught! Apple claims its for training the AI to unlock, but now admits its to study EMOTION of user to autoselect emojis and study pupil dilation & facial expressions! by smartypants
Apple opposes Right to Repair (1, 2) and slows down old phones (NPR, BBC) which leads to people buying new phones earlier which is shit for the environment and of course not really owning a product you bought is shit, drove their factory workers to suicde (The Guardian), they are anti-competitive with their app-store, their products are overpriced, blablabla - don't buy Apple.
(yeah yeah, Apple isn't the worst, but that doesn't validate buying their crap or even claiming it's "good")
BlackWinnerYoshi wrote
I think that I could help, since I'm pretty much browsing all new posts multiple times a day, even commenting on some of them. That downtime did scare me, though.
Wingless wrote
Reply to Federal government proposes website-blocking system for piracy websites by Rambler
This is utterly useless if crypto, Tor, VPNs are legal. They have to go all the way China or lose on a disqualification. Which do you think?