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Wahaha OP wrote

Not the best writeup in the world, but further down there's some handy shortcuts for the terminal, which some of them I didn't know yet. Also, just using something like ranger or nnn will make manually typing anything like cp or mv completely obsolete. Ranger also has an easy way to create symlinks and a bunch of other nice features. Definitely the superior way for managing files.


takeheart wrote

You're right, jewmmy conveniently keeps quiet about airstrikes, and simply uses Gaza's response to troll @jeremycorbyn with usual antisemitic bullshit to advance his own corporate interests at guardian (pretty much the only source allowed at jewkipedia for the purpose of heavily censored ), and to earn another $1000000 israel blood money. The linked article was also changed in favor of jewmmy


takeheart wrote

“we are one foot away from 1984.” After a moment, though, he offers a sizable qualifier: “I never actually read the book, so I don’t know all the themes of the book."

What a dumb fuck. If you read you'll see that murrica stepped over it in the mid 70, and now is way beyond. At least for party it was all about power, not about raping children, mass murdering people and burning down villages on the other end of the globe or worshiping satan.


liminal OP wrote (edited )

Upboat because you are the only one who replies to my posts. I see you have read the article carefully, but I'm pretty sure the part about migrant routes isn't realistic, ICE will find the tech more useful than any NGO, although you probably think ICE is on Soros' payroll.

I see a lot of neutered 'facts' in the middle of overton window

What do you mean? My take is that the use of this form of fingerprinting mechanism is worrying, especially when a huge share of all satellites in orbit is controlled by a manchild.


takeheart wrote

safeguarding individual rights and freedoms in an open internet

So much euphemisms and lies. They don't want any transparency nor accountability on what govts and corpos do, only on those things that can harm the population. Copyright primarily benefits those in power, independent creative individuals hate it


Rambler OP wrote (edited )

Wasn't for sure to post this in /f/news or /f/clownworld . I always thought the "we want reparations for something none of us has ever experienced" thing was sort of a meme, but here we are.

I'm not sure how you'd even determine who would qualify. In America, many (the majority, I believe) of African Americans immigrated after the civil war.