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Wahaha wrote

No single user-agent would protect your privacy anyway. What I do is to let my user-agent switch every ten minutes. Also, user-agent not only carries browser information, but also browser version and operating system.

Having scripts blocked per default also helps.

I don't mind websites knowing my user-agent is fake. I mind websites having the ability to track me based on my user-agent. Thus my user-agent changes automatically.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

I don't even change my user agent most of the time, so it just equals to what my browser is, but pretending to be Windows 10 while I actually have Windows 7, so it is Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0 currently (this is what LibreWolf does by default, btw).

So anyway, the only time the user agent differs from the defaults is when I want to enable a desktop version on mobile and when I want to bypass getting user agent blocked because I'm using Wget, so I usually just empty it (or set it to a browser user agent because it also gets blocked).

Also, since I block third party scripts with uMatrix by default, there's not much point to constantly changing the user agent because the trackers won't see it anyway.


Wahaha wrote

Some sites only work by enabling scripts.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

But I usually can enable only some of the scripts. Besides, there are probably better ways of tracking someone, like cough the FLoCing FLoC. cough

But since I don't use Chromium browsers any more, they can't actually do that, and I doubt it's coming to Firefox, unless you count its inevitable death.