Posted by div1337 in Privacy

"Did you realize every time you "click on the car" you are helping to train a single Gigantic company's machine learning systems for free?

hCaptcha turns this model around. When you use hCaptcha, companies bid on the work your users do as they prove their humanity. You get the rewards. "

I guess this is much better than using Google's Recaptcha?



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BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

I don't trust hCraptcha - their main page has a "Try it out" thing, which embeds hCraptcha over Clownflare, which means BCMA will block the main page after the first load. So it's clear to me they support Clownflare in some way.

Actually, the Stop Cloudflare repository said it's all about money. You can see it on hCraptcha main page:

hCaptcha allows websites to make money serving this demand while blocking bots and other forms of abuse.

The "abuse", of course, will be e.g. users who use Tor and they happen to visit a Clownflared website.

Is that the only issue? Well, it also has the issue reCRAPTCHA has - the user is still forced to solve it, the only thing that changes is who gets your data to abuse it.


takeheart wrote

hCaptcha turns this model around. When you use hCaptcha, companies bid on the work your users do as they prove their humanity. You get the rewards.

What rewards? Why the fuck do I need to prove humanity to another technological roadblock?


div1337 OP wrote

It's an improvement over using Google reCaptcha, at least for now it's not Google (although Google would probably just buy it). Ideally of course our website should be standalone, not loading resources from external sources.


ngmm wrote

At one point they started serving unsolvable captchas like google, fortunately they soon quit that fuckery and now it seems to work consistently.

It's still annoying as hell because tons of retarded webmasters block read access from Tor with Cloudflare cancer and thus also hCaptcha.

Though IMO captchas are not a fundamentally bad idea for blocking robots from having write access to a service, not malicious humans. They're just overused by idiots who have no fucking clue about what they're doing, which is mainly why half of the modern web is completely unusable on Tor. (There's also the minority which knows exactly what they're doing, aka Google.)


burnerben wrote

its becoming way more popular. i prefer it aswell, dont have to spend 5 min on a captcha.